Chapter 29

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"I can't believe you booked a private jet just so I wouldn't know where we are going." Becca says.

Niall fastens his seat belt with a cheesy grin. "I'm quite sneaky, aren't I?"

The flight attendant brings them water and Becca asks, "Can you tell me where this flight is headed?"

The attendant grins. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Horan, but I've been sworn to secrecy."

Becca looks at Niall, shocked. "This little conspiracy of yours runs deep."

He raises his eyebrows.

"How long is the flight?" Becca asks

"Not very long at all."

"So our honeymoon is going to be at your house in London?"

Niall cackles, "Oh yeah, with Willie there. It'll be quite romantic."

Becca laughs.

"You've waited this long, B, you can't wait a bit longer?"

"I guess I can. You do know that it doesn't matter where we spend our honeymoon as long as I'm with you?"

"I know, Babe, but I want to make it magical for you."

She smirks. "Last night was pretty magical."

Niall leans in for a kiss; as he pulls back, he tugs at her bottom lip. "Which time?"

"Mmm, all of them, Irish."

After they land, Niall hands Becca a small box. "I think it's time you find out where we are."

She can feel the twinges of excitement as she opens the lid of the box. Grabbing Niall's hand, she asks, "Paris?"

He grins, "Yes."

Inside the box is a delicate gold chain with an Eiffel Tower charm. Niall reaches for the necklace, fixing it around her neck. "Are you happy?"

"I can't imagine any place more perfect, Niall."

"Let's go make some memories, Mrs. Horan."

As the driver brings them through the gates of the St. James Paris hotel, Becca's jaw drops. "Niall, it's stunning."

"It was built in the 19th century. They've converted it from a private family home into a hotel."

The driver waits in the car as Becca and Niall take a selfie in front of the large, spectacular fountain at the entrance to the hotel.

As they check in, Becca takes in the elaborately decorated lobby with its grand staircase. It's exactly how I imagined Paris would look.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Horan. I see you are here on your honeymoon. Congratulations. You'll be staying in the Love Pavilion. Just follow this gentleman; he's already delivered your luggage. Enjoy your stay."
"Oh we will." Niall says under his breath. Becca blushes as the desk clerk grins.

They follow the young man to where they'll be staying. Becca whispers, "Love Pavilion?"

Niall grins. "Yep. It's a three story villa that's separate from the rest of the hotel.

Becca smiles, "Did you have to book that for noise purposes?"

Smirking, Niall replies, "Well, you are a bit of a screamer, Babe."

Becca playfully slaps his arm.

"Here you are Mr. and Mrs. Horan. Can I assist you with anything else?" The young man asks.

Niall places a bill in his hand. "Thanks, but I think we've got it from here." He then takes Becca's hand. "Shall we check it out?" They begin in the living room and make their way through the villa. It is decorated quite elegantly in a Parisian style. The fireplace in the living room gives it a comfortable, romantic feel.

The villa also includes it's own private spa with a sauna, hot tub for two and two massage tables.

"Well this should be fun." Becca grins.

"I think this will be my favorite room." Niall adds.

Next, they head upstairs. The bedroom has a large antique bed. The hotel has arranged rose petals in the shape of a heart on the duvet. A bottle of champagne is chilling next to the bed.

"I hope this old bed's been reinforced. It's about to see a whole lot of activity." Niall winks.

"If it breaks we have plenty of other surfaces here to explore." Becca grins.

Niall pulls her into his arms, smirking. "And that is why I married you." He leans down, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. "Happy Honeymoon, Darling. that a thing?"

Becca laughs. "It is now. Happy Honeymoon, Horan."

"Since we're both a bit OCD, how about we unpack first thing?" Niall says.

"Sounds good to me."

As Becca turns away, Niall takes her hand, pausing her. "Have I ever told you that I love you?"

"Not that I recall, no." She teases.

He pulls her into his arms, his mouth almost touching hers. "I guess it's about damn time then. I love you, Rebecca. I love you more than I ever imagined was possible."

Becca grazes her lips lightly against his, pulling back slightly. "Thanks." She turns away and Niall pulls her back.

"Hey." He says.

Becca laughs as he tickles her waist. "I love you, Irish. And I can't wait to mess up those rose petals on the bed with you."

"Mmm, maybe unpacking can wait." Niall says, kissing her while slowly backing her up to the bed.

"First I have to take a picture of it for Kara. She loves this stuff." Becca says, pulling her phone out, snapping a picture of the bed with it's perfect heart. Setting her phone down, she wraps her arms around NIall's neck. "Alright, Hubby, now you can have your way with me."

Niall literally growls as they begin undressing each other.

After they've rolled around in the rose petals and made each other cry out in pleasure, they lay together enjoying some champagne.

"How come in the movies they never show the rose petals getting stuck in strange places?" Niall tosses a rose petal aside.

Becca laughs loudly. "I don't want to know where that was."

Niall laughs along with her. "Maybe we aren't cut out for this romantic stuff."

"Maybe not." Becca agrees. Reaching for her phone, she takes a picture of the now disheveled bed. "Now I can send Kara a before and after picture. She'll be impressed."

Niall laughs then kisses her forehead. "We are about a twenty minute walk from the Eiffel Tower. Do you want to start sightseeing today or wait until tomorrow?"

Becca lays her head against his chest. "Let's do that tomorrow. Today I just want to stay in bed with you."

"I was hoping you'd say that, B." He raises his eyebrows.

She smirks, "I think you should inspect me for rogue rose petals."

Niall smirks. "It will be my pleasure." 

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