Chapter 26

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"Sit down, Becca." Kara says.

"Kara, what is it?"

"Niall's here, but he hurt his knee."

"Jesus Christ, Kara!"

Kara's confused. "What?"

"What you said at the door. Geez, you made me think he was dead." Becca says through labored breaths.

Kara looks back at the door, replaying the moment in her head. Recognition dawning on her face. Kneeling in front of Becca, "Oh, Sweetie, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how it sounded. Are you okay?"

Becca takes a deep breath in through her nose, blowing it out slowly from her mouth. "I think so."

"That was Willie at the door. He said that Niall was running towards the church and fell in the mud. I guess his knee took the brunt of that fall. All I could think was, how long will it take him to get cleaned up and will he even be able to stand at the altar?" She lays her hand on top of Becca's. "I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot."

Becca looks up, trying to hold back tears. "It just sounded so bad."

"I'll go find out what's going on, okay?"

Becca nods.

Shortly after Kara leaves, there's a knock at the door.

"B? It's me."

She moves to stand behind the door, opening it only an inch. "You can't see me, Niall."

"I know, Darling, I'll stay on this side of the door. I'm sorry I was late."

"I'm just glad you're okay. Wait, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm a muddy mess but they won't let me take a shower until the Doc gets here." Niall sighs.

"Your knee?"

"It's not too bad, but everyone insisted I get it checked. I'm sorry, B."

"Irish, I don't care how late the wedding starts as long as you're here and you're safe. I love you."

A hand appears through the door. "I love you too, B."

Becca puts her hand in his. Niall brings it to his lips. Her long sleeve the only visible part of her dress. "I've missed you so much, Darling."

"I missed you too. Let's not be separated ever again."

"Sounds good to me."

"Niall, you're supposed to be sitting down. Come on, the Doc's here. " Willie insists.

"One sec." Niall says, waiting until he has left. "B?"

"Yes, Niall."

"I can't wait to give you my name."

Becca's heart flutters at his sweet words. "Rebecca Lynn Horan, I love the sound of that."

"Do you have any idea how much I love you, Rebecca?"

She grins, "Well, I know things are serious when you call me Rebecca."

"I'll be waiting for you at the altar, my love."

"I'll meet you there. Niall, thank you for keeping your promise."

"Always, Darling." He squeezes her hand before letting go.

She can hear him yelling in the hallway. "Come on, Doc. You gotta get me fixed up, I'm marrying the most beautiful girl in the world today."

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now