Chapter 40

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"Thanks for lunch, Kara."

"It's the least I can do, Becca. You were there for me when I needed you the most."

"I'm just happy that you and Adam found your way back to each other. How are you two doing?"

Kara grins, "Everything is amazing. How are you and the leprechaun doing?"

"Great. We're getting ready to head back to the states. Niall has some radio shows to do for the new album."

Kara laughs, shaking her head.

Becca's brows furrow, her lips forming a tight straight line. "What?"

"I just think it's funny how much you fought the relationship with Niall at the beginning because your career came first. Now you are going to follow him around on his tour."

A deep pain arises in Becca's chest, as though her friend just plunged a knife in her heart.

"You okay, Bex? Did I say something wrong?" Kara asks.

Her mind races and she has no interest in facing all the old thoughts resurfacing on her at the moment. Plastering on a fake smile, Becca replies, "I'm fine."

Instead of heading straight home after lunch, Becca stops by a neighborhood park. Taking a seat on a bench and drawing in a deep breath, she allows the thoughts to consume her.

At the house, Niall greets her with a huge hug and kiss. "I missed you, my love."

He's so sweet that her courage almost falters. "I missed you too, Irish...but we need to talk."

Seeing the immediate concern cross his eyes, she regrets her choice of words.

Niall slides his hand into her hair, leaning in close. "Are you alright, B?"

"I'm fine. I just can't go on tour with you."

Niall steps back. "What? Why?"

"My career, that's why. I can't do my job properly while I'm following you all over." Becca sighs, burying the conflict rising inside her.

"Darling, I thought we had this all worked out. You were going to do your job from the road."

Becca shakes her head. "I can't do it properly that way."

Niall feels a knot tightening in his chest. "B, if you don't come on the road with me...we'll hardly see each other."

The sad look in his beautiful blue eyes is breaking her heart. "I have to go." She turns, reaching for the knob on the front door.

"Wait." Niall grabs her arm. "Where are you going? We need to talk this out, B."

Not meeting his eyes, she replies, "I have an appointment."

Niall reluctantly lets her go.

While he waits for Becca to return, Niall sits on the sofa, sipping a beer, trying desperately to understand what the hell happened. I thought we'd talked this out. Decided together that she'd do her website from the road. What the hell changed?

The sound of Becca's key in the lock shakes him from his thoughts. He gets up, greeting her at the door with a kiss on the cheek.

"A kiss? I thought you'd be angry with me."

"I'm not angry, B. I'm just confused. Maybe you can explain to me what's going on with you?"

Becca looks down. How can I explain to you if I don't even understand?


"I met with Sky Sports." She sets a large envelope down on the table. "That's the offer they made me."

Niall frowns as he looks at the sealed envelope. "So you are going to live and work here in London? While I'm touring in America?"

Becca refuses to meet his eyes. "I haven't decided if I'll accept it yet."

"Why won't you talk to me about this, Darling? I thought we were a team?"

The tears begin to form in her eyes. What the hell are you doing, Becca?

Niall lifts her chin until their eyes meet. "B, do you really want to be apart that much? I mean, we'll hardly ever be together. I don't want you?"

She doesn't respond.

Her lack of response causing a hurt to rise inside of him. "Fine. Just so you know, B, if the situation was reversed..." Niall leans in close to her, whispering, "...I'd follow you to the ends of the earth."

Her breath catches.

He grabs his keys, heading out the door.

Becca's tears flow freely as she reaches for her phone. She dials the number, waiting for the rings to cease. "I need you."

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now