Chapter 9

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Becca has a spring in her step as she walks into work today. She's found her wedding dress and Niall is coming home today. What could possibly bring her down?

"Good morning, Becca." Barbie shrills.

Cue the internal eye roll. "Good morning, Barbie."

The annoying reporter follows her to her desk. "I thought you'd be more upset."

Becca furrows her brows. "What are you talking about?"

"Your boyfriend with another girl."

Becca feels her entire body tense. "There's no other girl." She replies.

"There are pictures." Barbie says, happy to deliver bad news.

Becca takes the paper from her. The pictures do look incriminating, causing a bout of self doubt to rise. Not wanting her co-worker to see that, she tries to disguise it. Handing the paper back, she says, "It's just a fan."

Barbie's not buying it. "That's an awfully friendly fan picture; and it's not out in public, looks like he's at a barbeque."

Becca thinks back, Niall didn't mention going to a barbeque. I hate this bitch. "I trust Niall, it's fine."

Barbie moves closer, putting her arm around Becca. "I have a feeling you'll need someice cream later. I have a couple pints in the freezer. Feel free to stop by and cry on my shoulder." She turns and walks away, leaving Becca fuming.

Becca tries to focus on the article she's writing, but everytime she looks up Barbie is showing the pictures to someone then pointing her way with a sad look.

Gathering up her things, Becca lets Grant know that she's going to work from home. "If the boss asks, I'm out doing research."

Grant smiles. "No problem. I'm here if you need me."

Becca returns his smile as the elevator doors close. Why did he look like a cougar about to pounce?

At the house, Becca finishes her article then heads out to the backyard to try to relax until Niall gets home.

Sitting there in the quiet, her mind wanders. She can't resist looking up those pictures on her phone. The internet is full of speculation. 'Who's this girl?' 'Is Niall's engagement off?' Shit! Why do they always have to be pretty?


Even with all the confusion in her mind, she can't help but smile at the sound of his voice. "I'm in the backyard." She yells.

Niall emerges a moment later, wrapping his arms around her shoulders from behind. Kissing her cheek, he tells her, "I told you, it's called the garden."

Becca catches the playful grin on his face as he takes the seat across from her. "You're in my country, dude, it's the backyard." She teases.

Niall cackles.

She tries to retain her smile, but her thoughts are racing.

Niall reaches across, taking her hand. "What's wrong, B?"

"The pictures."

Niall looks genuinely confused. "What pictures?"

"You don't know?"

"I slept the whole flight here. What's going on?"

Becca pulls out her phone, handing it to him, both pictures on the screen.

"Ahh geez." Looking up at Becca, he explains. "One of the record executives invited me over to his house for a barbeque. Obviously I couldn't say no. That is his teenage daughter. She got a bit overzealous with the pictures, and I tried to be polite. As soon as the executive found out, he apologized to me and made his daughter apologize. Apparently her and her friend had already tweeted them."

Becca's mind races. Everything he just said sounds legitimate, and it won't be the last time this happens. But...

"B, you believe me, don't you?" Niall asks, concerned.

She squeezes his hand. "I do, it's just hard. It happens a lot."

Niall lifts her chin for their eyes to meet. "Darling, you just have to know it's not real."

"Then how would I know when one is real?" As soon as Becca says it she realizes how bad it sounds.

Niall drops her hand, standing up. "What the hell, Becca? It will never be real...because I love you and I'd never do that to you. How the hell could you even ask that?" He storms off into the house.

Becca remains in the backyard, sitting with her face buried in her hands. What have I done?

After a few moments, she heads inside to look for Niall. She owes him an apology, he didn't deserve that. She finds him in the sports room. He's looking at the picture of them hanging on the wall. She crosses the room to join him. He doesn't turn to look at her, until she speaks.

"I'm sorry, Niall. You didn't deserve that. I'm afraid it was my insecurities speaking."

He looks into her eyes. "Do you believe me?"

She nods. "I do." Reaching out to touch his arm, she adds, "These girls are just always so much prettier than me. I get these stupid thoughts of 'Why wouldn't he rather be with them?'"

Niall puts his hand on top of hers. "Cause they wouldn't watch sports with me." He winks.

Becca grins, recognizing his teasing.

He moves closer to her. "Do you really not know how beautiful you are to me?"

She looks down.

He says quietly, with a sexy, raspy tone, "Did I spend all that time pursuing them? No, I pursued you, My Love."

Becca looks up, meeting his sparkling blue eyes.

Niall puts his arm around her waist, gently pulling her with him. Pointing to their engagement picture on the wall, he says, "Look at that man in the picture. Is he not looking at her as though she's the only woman in the world for him?"

Becca admires the loving look on Niall's face in the picture as he gazes at her, then turning to him, she says, "He is. I'm so sorry, Niall. Please forgive me?"

He grins. "Already done, Darling."

She reaches up to give him a kiss. "I love you, Irish."

He winks. "I love you...but I'm a bit upset."

Becca frowns. "What's wrong?"

"Well, I don't think I received a proper welcome home." He raises one eyebrow.

Becca grins. "You're right, you didn't. I'd like to make that up to you, Mr. Horan." She takes his hand to lead him to the bedroom.

He stays there, not moving. "Here, in the sports room." Grabbing the control, he turns on a game. "With the sound of sports in the background."

Becca smirks, leading him to the couch. "Kinky, Irish." Pushing him down on the couch, she adds, "I like it!"

Niall cackles as she climbs on top of him. "I've missed this, B. You and me, together."

"I've missed it too, Niall." She blows out a breath, quietly adding, "I am really sorry."

He smirks. "I'm sure you can find a way to make it up to me."

She bites her lip as she unzips his jeans. "Let me see what I can do."

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