Chapter 38

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The loud knock on the door startles Kara. "Who is it?"

"It's Niall. Open up."

She opens the door, finding her best friend's husband looking quite annoyed. "Hey, Niall. Where's Becca?"

"I told her I'd like to speak to you alone." Niall replies as he enters her flat. "You and I are friends, right?"

Kara smiles. "Of course we are, Leprechaun."

"Good, then I can tell you that you're being a complete arse."

Kara sighs. "Look, I understand that you're going to take Adam's side."

"That's not true. I told him he's being an arse as well."

Out of the corner of his eye, Niall notices the huge bouquet of flowers. "Did Adam send you those? Or was it the guys from the club?"

Kara laughs, quite proud of herself. "Did Becca show Adam the picture?"

Niall opens his phone, showing her the picture of the hole in the wall and Adam's hand. He catches the concerned look on her face, yet her reply is a simple. "Good."

"Kara, you don't mean that."

"Is he okay?"

"So you do care?"

"I'm just being polite."

"Damn it, Kara." Niall raises his voice. "Why don't you give him another chance? He loves you, you idiot. Stop focusing on a damn piece of paper." Pausing briefly, Niall adds, "Quit being a girl."

Kara rolls her eyes. "I guess I deserved that. I just don't know if I can get over it. Why can't Adam and I have what you and Becca have?"

Lowering his voice, Niall says, "We aren't perfect, Kara. B and I both have issues. But instead of fighting about them, we are understanding of them. I give her my issues, my concerns and she gives me hers. It's a bit easier to know your issues are in the hands of someone you love and trust. Knowing you're not alone. Kara, Adam's not ready for marriage, so take that from him and hold onto it for him. With your understanding and patience he'll heal that much faster. Give him your issues too...Lord knows you have a ton." Niall grins.

Kara looks up with tears and a grin. "Watch it, Leprechaun."

Niall smirks.

"Who knew you were so smart, Horan?"

"B taught me everything I know." He grins. "Speaking of my beautiful wife...I'm gonna get back to her. You think about what I've said."

At the door, Kara gives Niall a hug. "Thanks, Niall...for the kick in the ass."

He cackles. "Anytime."

Becca and Adam sit at the dining table. The plan to win back Kara laid out in front of them, looking more like a pentagon war strategy.

Becca looks up as Niall enters the room. "How did it go?"

He pats Adam on the back. "Good."

A huge smile comes across Adam's face. "Thanks, mate."

"So how's the plan coming?"

Becca gives Niall a wink. "I think we've got it all figured out, Irish."

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