Chapter 41

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Becca opens the front door, her eyes rimmed red from tears.

"What did you do?"

"Hi, Kara. Nice to see you too." She steps aside, letting her friend enter.

"Sorry, Bex. What's going on?" Kara sits on the couch, reaching for the bottle of wine and empty glasses, pouring them each a nearly full glass.

"Niall and I are having a disagreement."

Kara nods. "He's out with Adam right now. He looked really hurt."

"Crap!" Becca begins to sob, taking the box of tissues Kara offers her. The sobbing turns into hiccups and Kara rubs her back until she's able to speak.

"Niall said you don't want to go with him on his tour." Kara sighs. "Is this because of that stupid crack I made at lunch?"

Becca blows out a breath. "It wasn't a stupid's true."

"Oh geez, Becca, stop being so dramatic."

"No, Kara, you were right. I've become what I said I wouldn't; a woman who puts her husband's career before her own."


Becca's head shoots up, shocked. Sometimes her friend's bluntness still surprises her.

Softening her tone, Kara continues, "Sweetie, you are not that woman. You are a wife who talks with her husband to work out the best choices for your lives at the moment." Kara pauses, letting her words sink in. "At this point in your lives it makes the most sense for you to work on the road while Niall tours; that way you can be together. During another season of your lives, Niall may be following you around; and you know damn well he'd do it too."

Becca nods her head. "He told me tonight that he'd follow me to the ends of the earth."

"Aww, who knew the leprechaun was so romantic?"

Becca smiles, "I did."

Kara touches her friend's arm. "What's going on?"

"I don't know. The old me started to resurface. The girl who only cared about her career. The girl who was afraid of love."

"Becca, you aren't that girl anymore. You are a woman who has a successful career and a husband who loves her more than anything. You two have a picture perfect life."

Becca looks up at Kara, "Maybe that's it. Maybe I'm worried life can't be this good."

"You are blessed, my friend. Instead of overthinking grateful and enjoy it."

Becca nods. "You have a point, Kara. I can't believe I took your comment at lunch to heart."

"You know...I say a lot of stupid shit, you really shouldn't listen to me."

Becca laughs, "Well, you also say a lot of smart things. Thanks for setting me straight tonight."

"No problem. That seems to be a mutual part of our friendship...setting each other straight."

Becca smiles as she pulls out her phone.

"Who are you texting?" Kara asks, already knowing the answer.

"Niall. I'm asking him to come home so I can apologize."

"Good, but before he gets home, I have something to tell you."

Becca drinks her wine, trying to process what Kara told her while she waits for Niall. When the front door begins to open, she crosses the room slowly. "I'm so sorry, Irish."

He smiles, that perfect smile of his. Making his way to her, he says, "I love you, B."

A relief washes over her. "I love you, Niall. Come sit with me and I'll try to explain."

Niall listens intently as Becca explains what she was feeling. As she pauses to let her tears pass, he reaches for her hand.

When she's finished, Niall begins. "I understand, Darling. You and I used to be different people. Sometimes those old doubts, insecurities, and fears will surface. We just need to let the other know. Talk it out. Remember, I hold your issues and you hold mine."

Tears form in Becca's eyes again, this time they're happy tears. She wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him. "I love you, Niall and I don't know what I'd do without you."

He grins, "So does that mean you don't want to be apart?"

She shakes her head. "No, I want us to be together as much as possible."

"Alright, then let's discuss which option is best for your career and keeps us together."

"Well, Irish, there's another option on the table."

Niall's brows raise, "There is? What might that be?"

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now