Chapter 23

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Niall and Becca give Kara and Adam a tour of their new home, wrapping it up in the kitchen.

"This place is beautiful." Kara says.

"I love the garden." Adam adds.

"Thanks, guys. I remember the first time I saw the backyard. I'd never seen such green grass in my life." Becca says, catching Niall's prideful beam. She finds it quite endearing how much he loves his country.

As they sit at the kitchen table overlooking the backyard, Kara turns to Niall. "I still don't understand why you didn't let me come to the meeting with the priest."

Niall grins. "Adie, explain it to her, would ya?"

Adam takes Kara's hand. "I think Niall was afraid you'd say something inappropriate."

"Me?" Kara asks.

"Crazy, I know, Babe."

Niall rolls his eyes as Becca laughs. "I just can't believe I'm getting married in a big, historic, Irish church." She says.

Niall squeezes her hand. "I can't believe I'm marrying the most beautiful girl in the world." He leans in to leave a soft kiss on Becca's cheek.

"Awww. How sweet." Kara gushes.

"Kara, are you going to try to turn my wedding into a Hallmark movie?" Becca asks.

Kara smirks. "Should I lie and tell you no?"

Becca rolls her eyes. "Niall, give me something to throw at her."

"Alright, ladies, no fighting." Niall says.

Adam speaks up with a smirk. "No, no, let them fight."

Kara slaps his chest. "Pervert."

They all laugh.

"You know, Kara, B like to pretend she's not romantic, but she really is. When we arrived she had wine and cookies set up on the balcony." Niall says.

Kara furrows her brow. "Wine and cookies? How the hell is that romantic?"

Niall winks at Becca. "It is to us."

Becca returns the wink. "We're pretty sentimental about flour too."

Niall grins, bringing Becca's hand to his lips to kiss.

"You two are weird." Kara grins. "Should we head over to the reception hall now to meet the wedding planner?"

Niall drives them all to the hall. Kara watches him and Becca from the backseat. The sweet, subtle glances they share, along with the way he kisses her hand, warms Kara's heart. My best friend has found her perfect Disney prince and no one deserves this happiness more.

At the reception hall, Kara and Becca go over everything with the wedding planner while Niall and Adam help hang some decorations.

"Everything seems to be falling into place." Becca says.

"Are you getting excited?" The wedding planner asks.

Becca grins. "Extremely."

Just then they hear a shriek and all three women turn towards the sound.


Becca watches as a petite redhead wraps her arms around Niall's neck.

"What the hell?" Kara frowns.

Becca's blood pressure rises as she and Kara cross the room.

"Are we gonna kick little Suzy Sunshine's ass or what?" Kara whispers to Becca.

"If she doesn't get her hands off my husband, we just might."

"Damn, I like this Becca." Kara grins.

To Becca, it feels like it takes forever to cross the hall. She watches as the redhead giggles while talking with Niall and Adam.

When she leans in to hug Adam, Becca has to grab Kara's arm.

"I'll kill her." Kara doesn't even bother to lower her voice.

Both men look over to see the women approaching. Catching the look in their eyes, Adam whispers. "Shit."

He approaches Kara, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist. "Hey, Babe." She gives him a kiss that lasts longer than it probably should in public.

Niall greets Becca, taking her hand and initiating a passionate kiss. He knows he needs to do a bit of damage control. Turning to the redhead, "This is my beautiful fiancé, Becca. We're having our wedding reception here in a few days." Then turning to address Becca. "B, this is Grace. We went to school together."

She reluctantly extends her hand. "Nice to meet you, Grace."

Kara rolls her eyes.

Niall continues, "This is Kara, Adie's girlfriend and Becca's best friend."

Grace extends her hand, but Kara ignores it. "That was quite a hug for just schoolmates, Gracie dear."

Adam tightens his grip on Kara's waist.

Becca releases Niall's hand, placing it around his waist instead. Her other hand rests on his stomach as she leans against him.

"I was just so excited to see the boys." Grace says, looking coyly at Niall. "I know Niall had a crush on me back then."

Niall frowns. "Did I? I don't remember that."

Kara laughs loudly.

"That was a long time ago." Niall continues.

"It was, but some things never change." Grace says.

Niall's patience with her is wearing thin. "Actually everything has changed quite a bit." He kisses Becca's forehead. She tickles his waist, causing him to laugh. Reaching up on her tiptoes she kisses him. The love between them obvious.

"Well, this little trip down memory lane has been fun but we have work to do." Kara insists.

"I'll see you around, Niall." Grace says. "You too, Adie." She winks.

Adam has to grab Kara by the waist with both hands as Grace turns to walk away.

"I'm so gonna kick her ass." Kara fumes.

"Babe, let's take a walk outside to cool off." Adam suggests.

Kara nods in agreement, loudly saying, "I'll be right outside if you need me, Becca."

Niall whispers in Becca's ear.

"You alright?"

"I think so." Looking up into his eyes. "I got extremely jealous."

He grins. "No need, Darling. I think I did have a crush on her back then, but she wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. Of course all of a sudden, she's interested. I guess having a bit of money makes me handsome."

Becca wraps her arms around his neck. "If you didn't have a penny to your name, you'd still be the most handsome man in the world to me."

He leans his forehead against hers. "And that, my love, is why I'm marrying you and not someone like her."

"I love you, Horan."

"I love you, B."

Becca rests her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.


"Yeah, Babe."

"If she touches you again..."

Niall grins. "You'll kick her arse?"


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