Chapter 21

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                                                          With tremendous joy

                                                      you are invited to witness

                                                the exchange of vows between

                                                               Rebecca Lynn


                                                           Niall James Horan

                                          Saturday, the twenty first of January

                                              Two Thousand And Seventeen

                                                           At Three O'Clock

                                                         Mullingar, Ireland


"Niall, I'm not sure this is a good idea." Adam says.

"I have to confront him, I can't let it go."

"Becca won't like this."


"Can I help you?"

"We're looking for Grant." Niall says nonchalantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, he doesn't work here anymore."

Niall raises his eyebrows. "He doesn't?"

"No, he quit suddenly last week. Hey, I know you."

Niall grins.

"You're Becca's fiancé. How is she doing?"

Adam snickers.

"She's doing great. Thanks for your help."

"You're welcome. Tell her I said hi."

Niall nods as they head towards the elevator. Adam can't contain his laughter.

As the elevator doors close, Niall punches him in the arm. "Shut up."

"I can't help it. Niall Horan, famous singer? No, just Becca's fiancé."

"Funny. Let's go get a pint."

Adam wipes away the tears of laughter. "Now that sounds good."

Adam rolls his eyes as they pull up to the golf course. "I thought we were getting a pint?"

"We are. They have a pub here."

"At the golf course where Grant's friend works?"

Niall grins. "Yep."

"We're so gonna be in trouble with the girls."

"Quit your whining, Adam."

As they wait at the information desk, Adam shakes his head. "It's not a good idea to make the girls mad. I don't know about you, but I enjoy getting a nice--"

"Can I help you gentlemen?" The employee asks.

"You can tell me where your friend Grant is." Niall stares down the young man.

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