Chapter 12

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Becca closes her eyes, focusing solely on the feel of Niall's hand entwined with hers. It feels natural, right; a feeling she never wants to be without. She opens her eyes, taking in the incredible view of the ocean far below the cliff they're hiking on.

"What are you thinking, B?" Niall asks.

She turns, looking up into his eyes. "How very lucky I am to have you."

He grins. "Same for me, Babe."

"Shall we finish our hike, Irish?"

Leaning down for a kiss, he says, "Yes, just don't get too worn out. I've got plans for you back at the house."

"Hmm, I'm intrigued, Horan."

He cackles. "Come on, B."

As they make their way down the trail, Niall holds her hand, constantly checking on her. He heart soaring each time he pauses to kiss the top of her head.

"Thank you again for this trip, Niall. I love it here."

"I'm glad. I do too. This might be our last chance to get away before the wedding." Niall pauses then chuckles.

"What?" Becca asks.

"Whenever I talk about the wedding I get a bit excited thinking about you being my wife."

"That's sweet. I get pretty excited about being your wife too."

Niall releases her hand, stepping off the trail to pick something. Bringing it back to her, he says. "Hey look, it's one of those wishing flowers."

Becca laughs. "A dandelion."

"That's it." He grins. "Shall we make a wish?"

Feigning seriousness, Becca asks, "Which of our teams will we use the wish for?"

Niall laughs. "I was thinking maybe a wish for you and I."

"Oh." She teases. "I'd love to, Irish."

She and Niall hold the dandelion. "To a long, happy, healthy, sports filled life together." Becca says.

Niall grins. "Perfect."

They both blow, sending the fuzzy dandelion pieces into the air. Becca watches wide eyed as the pieces travel away swiftly. "Wow, look at them go, guess I'm pretty good at blowing."

Niall smirks. "I've always known that, Babe."

Becca pushes on his chest. "Niall!"

He cackles, pulling her into his arms. "I love it when you blush, Darling."

"How about we go back to the house and you make me blush some more?"

He leans down, leaving a sweet kiss at the corner of her mouth before taking her bottom lip between his, returning for her top, their tongues touching. "It would be my pleasure, B."

Back at the house, they eat dinner on the deck. A beautiful sunset of orange and pink meeting the blue ocean as their backdrop.

"Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?" Becca asks, watching the sunset.

Niall looks at her, a sparkle in his blue eyes. "Yes, I have."

She turns, finding him looking at her, "I love you, Niall."

He smiles. "And I love you more than anything, B. Let's go inside, I have a special dessert for us."

Becca stands. "I'll get the dishes."

He lays his hand on hers to pause her. "No, I'll get that. You go get comfortable." He leans in for a kiss, biting her bottom lip as he pulls back. "Wait for me in the bedroom."

She smirks. "Don't take too long."

In the bedroom, she checks the fire Niall built earlier. After adding another log, she looks through the suitcase of lingerie. Out of the corner of her eye she spots one of Niall's t-shirts. She removes all of her clothes then slips into it. His scent immediately overwhelming her.

"That's the best that shirt has ever looked."

Becca turns, finding Niall in the doorway, a tray in his hand. He sets the tray down on the bedside table before moving to stand in front of Becca. "You're beautiful."

She points to the suitcase. "I was going to wear one of those."

"No. This is perfect." He runs his hand lightly down the shirt as it covers her curves. "This is you. This is my girl." He smirks. "Besides, it won't be on long."

"What's for dessert?"

"Come see." Niall winks.

Leading her over to the bed, Niall dips his finger into the chocolate mousse. Spreading it on Becca's lips before moving in to lick it off.

She moans. "Damn, Irish."

"You like?" He smirks, licking the rest of the mousse from his finger.

She helps him remove his shirt. With a fingerful of mousse she leaves a line on Niall's chest. Beginning at the waistband of his jeans, she licks her way up to the base of his neck.

Niall is clearly affected, pulling his t-shirt over her head and tossing it aside. Picking her up, he practically throws her on the bed. He removes his pants then climbs on the bed, holding the bowl of chocolate mousse.

After every part of their bodies have been covered in the rich dessert then licked clean, they lay back with happy, pleased smiles on their faces.

"Now that there is how you do dessert." Niall smirks.

Becca laughs. "Yep, eat it and work off the calories at the same time."

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