Chapter 8

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"Thanks for coming with me, Kara. Even though you drive me insane sometimes, you're still my best friend."

Kara puts her hand over her heart. "That is the sweetest thing you've ever said to me, Becca."

She laughs. "It probably is. I'm not a mushy kind of person."

Kara smirks. "Except with Niall."

Becca grins. "Well, that's different. Niall gets to see all the hidden parts of me that no one else does." Just then she hears the familiar voice of her ringtone; the special ringtone Niall made just for her. She pushes the button, accepting the FaceTime call. "Hello, Irish. I miss you."

"Hello, Gorgeous. I just had to call, I miss your beautiful face and looking into your perfect eyes. I love you, B."

Becca's heart rate quickens, as she looks into his blue eyes. "I love you, Irish."

"Where are you, B? I see a lot of white behind ya." Niall asks.

"Kara and I are wedding gown shopping."

Niall grins. "Do I get to see?"

Kara pops up behind Becca's shoulder. "Absolutely not! It's bad luck."

"Ahh, come on, Kara. Are we really going to follow some ancient superstition?"

"Don't test me, Leprechaun." Kara insists.

Becca interjects. "I just want you to be surprised on our wedding day, Niall."

"Whatever you want, My Love. Hey, I put a countdown on my phone, for our wedding day. I named it 'Til she becomes Mrs. Horan. It plays Here Comes The Bride."

Becca bites her lip. "Niall, that is the cutest thing ever."

He gives her a big cheesy smile.

"I love you, B. I'll call you later. Good luck with a dress, and remember to relax. Honestly, you could wear white sweatpants down the aisle and you'd still be the most beautiful woman in the world to me."

Becca smiles, her heart doing a flutter. "You're incredible, you know that? I love you, Horan."

Niall grins. "Bye, Darling."

"Bye, Irish."


She turns to Kara, finding her holding a minimum of six dresses. "I found a few." Kara says.

Seeing the fear in her eyes, the stylists suggests they start by just talking.

"Niall told me you were a little nervous about the process, so first of all let's take a moment to relax. You tell me what you would like, not what anyone else would want you to wear."

"I'm not big on sparkle, a little is fine. Nothing too poofy."

"You relax, I'll go pull a few things."

Becca meets the stylist in the dressing room. As she steps into the first gown and looks in the mirror, she truly feels like a bride for the first time.

"What do you think?" The stylist asks.

"Let's go show Kara." Becca replies.

Kara smiles. "You look great, Becca."

She grins. "But?"

"'s too much like an evening gown. It doesn't scream wedding gown." Kara says.

"I agree." Becca says, "Let's try the next one."

The next dress is on the far end of the sexy scale. "This is a wedding dress?" Becca asks.

The stylist laughs. "Yep. Some girls like to put it all out there on their wedding day."

"Literally." Becca laughs, "Will you play along with me? I'm going to show Kara and let her think I love it."

"I'd be happy to."

Kara immediately shakes her head no as Becca walks towards her. "No way."

Becca channels her best inner actress. "What? I love it."

Kara's eyes grow wide. "You are literally spilling out of the top!"

"I think Niall will like it." Becca tries to keep a straight face.

"Of course he'd love it, but that doesn't make it appropriate."

Becca turns her head, as though crying.

Kara feels bad. "Oh, Becca. I'm sorry, sweetie." She approaches her friend, rubbing her back.

Becca slowly turns to face Kara, then quickly lifts her head with a grin. "Gotcha!"

Kara frowns. "I hate you."

Becca laughs loudly. The stylist can't help but join in.

"I got you, Kara. Admit it."

Kara's mouth curves into a smile. "Yes, I'll admit that was good."

Becca laughs all the way back to the dressing room. "I can't wait to tell Niall."

The stylist helps her out of the dress. "Becca, do you trust me? I have an idea of something you may like."


"I need to grab a couple things, I'll be right back."

When the stylist returns, she insists that Becca not look in the mirror. She helps her slip into a dress, then spends some time doing something to the back of it.

"Okay." The stylist says, "First the front."

Becca turns to face the mirror. She releases an audible gasp as she sees herself in the simple yet elegant gown. It has a satin a-line skirt, not too poofy. A sweetheart neckline, with a lace over satin bodice. Lace long sleeves complete it perfectly.

"I love it." Becca says.

The stylist grins. "You haven't seen the best part yet." She spins Becca and moves aside so she can see the back of the dress.

Becca's hands fly to her mouth. Tears form in her eyes. "It's perfect. I absolutely love it."

The stylist has removed the white ribbon that laces up the back of the dress and replaced it with red ribbon.

"It looks like the laces on a baseball." Becca says.

"Niall mentioned that you had a fondness for the sport."

Becca laughs. "That's an understatement." She shows her the engagement ring Niall gave her.

"Just like a baseball. That's so sweet."

"I've decided, this is my dress, no matter what Kara thinks. " Becca says.

The stylist grins. "I'm so glad you like it."

Becca emerges from the dressing room, walking to stand in front of Kara.

"It's perfect, sweetie." Kara says with tears sparkling in her eyes.

Becca holds up one finger, then turns to show Kara the back.

Kara's loud squeal let's Becca know her friend approves. "This is your dress. Do you love it?"

Becca looks at herself in the large mirror, spinning a few times. "I absolutely love it. It's me." Then turning to Kara. "Do you think Niall will love it?"

Kara smiles. "Of course he will, Sweetie. Like you's you."

Turning to look again at the red ribbon intertwined down the back of her dress, Becca says, "I've found my wedding gown. I'm ready to become Mrs. Horan."

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