Chapter 31

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Becca squeezes Niall's hand as they walk onto the famous Pont des Arts bridge. "Everything is so incredibly beautiful here."

They watch as a boat passes below them, the people on board waving to them. Niall smiles, waving back.

"I can't believe we only have a couple of days left here. Do we have to go home, Irish?"

He kisses her forehead. "We could stay longer if you want."

Becca's heart skips a beat. "You are so sweet, but I know you have an album to finish."

"I do...but I can't deny you anything, Darling."

She cups the side of his face, rubbing her thumb lightly across his lips. "Just promise me we'll come back soon."

Niall grins, taking her hand and bowing dramatically. "I promise, my Princess."

She laughs. "Forever my Disney prince. Shall we head to the Louvre now?"

Niall pulls out his phone. "How about a selfie on the bridge first?"

Becca wraps her arm around Niall's waist, resting her head on his chest. "We better or Kara will kill me."

They both smile as Niall captures the moment. He shows her the picture before sending it to her phone.

"That may be my favorite one so far, Irish."

"I agree, B."

"Let me just send it to Kara real quick. Do you know she cried when she heard they'd removed all the locks from this bridge?"

"Speaking of locks..."

Becca looks up from her phone, into Niall's smiling, handsome face. He reaches around her neck, removing the eiffel tower necklace. Her brows raise, "You know, it's not very romantic to take a gift back, Horan."

He laughs. "I'm not taking it back, I'm just modifying it a bit."

She watches as he pulls a small velvet bag out of his pocket. After sliding a gold ball onto each side of the eiffel tower charm, he slides another charm on, hiding it from her.

"What is that?" She asks.

"One second." He returns the gold chain to her neck, adjusting it to rest right where her cleavage begins.

Becca looks down, he's added a gold padlock charm to her necklace. She looks up into his perfect blue eyes. "A lock?"

He nods with a grin. "Since they don't allow anyone to put a lock on the bridge anymore, I had to get creative, so I thought I'd give you one you can have with you always."

Becca reaches for the charm, on further inspection she sees that it has N & B Forever engraved on the front. She looks up, meeting his eyes again. "It's perfect, Niall. I love it and I love you."

Niall pulls her into his arms. "I love you too, B. Forever, Darling."

They share a romantic kiss on the famous bridge.

"Ready for the museum now?" He asks.

"Are you kidding? I have to text Kara about this, she's gonna lose her shit."

Niall cackles, then leaves a kiss on Becca's neck as she sends the message to her best friend.

After spending the rest of the day exploring the Louvre, Niall and Becca sit down at a small cafe in the center of Paris for dinner.

"I still can't believe I'm in Paris and I saw the Mona Lisa in person." Becca says.

Niall raises his eyebrows.

She grins. "Oh yeah, and I can't believe I'm married to a perfect, handsome, Irishman."

He nods. "There ya go."

They both laugh as the waitress brings their food.

"Excuse me..." She leans in close to Niall, "Aren't you Niall Horan?"

He smiles politely. "Yes, I am, but we're on our honeymoon so I'd appreciate it if you'd keep that quiet for us."

Becca watches Niall flash his charming grin.

The waitress gives Becca a dirty look. "Congratulations." Then returns her gaze to Niall. "Let me know if you need anything else." Giving him a wink before leaving their table.

"She's lovely." Becca rolls her eyes.

"Let's just ignore her and enjoy our dinner."

Becca nods, taking Niall's outstretched hand. She briefly notices their waitress on her cell phone, but doesn't think much of it.

After dinner, Niall asks, "What would you like to do now?"

She smiles, "I would love to take a stroll through Paris at night with my handsome husband."

Niall rubs his thumb gently across her hand. "I can't think of anything else I'd rather do...well maybe one thing." He winks.

Becca bites her lip. "Don't worry, that's on my list too, Irish."

"I love you, B."

"I love you, Niall."

As they head outside, Becca can't help but notice their waitress looks quite nervous. Oh no, I hope she didn't spit in my food.

Standing on the sidewalk, Niall checks his pocket. "Crap, I forgot my phone. I'll be right back."

Becca waits outside, enjoying the cool Paris night while Niall runs back into the restaurant to retrieve his phone. One moment everything is fine, the next, all hell seems to break loose...

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