Chapter 16

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Becca stands in the cold, sterile hospital room, a flood of emotions coursing through her as she looks at Niall. I love you, Horan.

He looks up at Becca, sharing a warm smile with her before his gaze returns to sweet little Ruby, laying in his arms.

They've come to the hospital to meet Ben Winston's newborn baby. Becca has never been in any rush to have children, yet seeing Niall holding that sweet baby, she can now picture him holding their children. New, maternal feelings come to the surface. Maybe a few other feelings as well. Good God, he looks really hot holding a baby.

"Your turn, B." Niall says with a sweet smile.

Becca sits, the nurse transfers little Ruby into her arms. "She's so beautiful, Ben. You did good, Meri."

Niall watches Becca gently rock the baby. "You're a natural, B."

She looks up, smiling.

Niall feels his heart flutter. Everytime she looks at him it happens, has since the first time he saw her.

"So the wedding is coming up soon. Are you two ready?" Ben asks.

Niall answers quickly. "It can't come soon enough for me."

Becca meets his eyes, the look she finds there causing her heart to race.

On the way out of the hospital, Niall squeezes Becca's hand. "You are gonna make a great mum."

"And you are going to be an incredible dad, Irish."

He pauses at the car, pushing her against it for a kiss. Becca slides her hands down his back, to rest in his jean pockets. "Mmm, that was nice."

"Just nice?" He teases.

She smirks. "Maybe you should try again?"

He leans in, his kisses starting at her neck then working his way up to her mouth. Her hands still in his back pockets, she pulls him even closer to her.

With a satisfied grin, she says, "That was incredible, Horan."

He kisses her forehead. "I wish we could continue this, but I have to get to the studio. You coming?"

"Of course I am."

On the drive to the studio, Niall takes her hand. "So, are you looking forward to quitting your job when we get home?"

"I never thought I'd say this, but yes, I am. I've had so much less stress since I've decided to go out on my own. The best part is, I get to be with you more." She kisses his hand.

Niall shakes his head, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What?" Becca asks.

"I just never imagined I could feel this way about someone; the way I feel about you."

"Stop it, Horan."

He glances over at her quickly. "What?"

"Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you."

He cackles. "We could make a quick stop at the hotel before we go to the studio."

"Won't you be late?"

"I'll just blame it on LA traffic."

Becca smirks. "I like how you think, Irish."


Niall squeezes Becca's hand as they enter the elevator. "Are you alright, B?"

She blows out a breath. "It's strange. On one hand I'm nervous to quit my job, on the other I'm really excited for our future."

Niall grins. "Our future, huh?"

"I no longer think in terms of me...only we." Becca winks.

Niall nuzzles her ear, whispering, "You are so getting lucky later."

She laughs.

"Did you tell Grant?" Niall asks.

"Yes. He made me promise to hire him when I'm able."

Niall mutters, "Yeah, I bet he did."

"Irish, he does not have a crush on me."

The elevator doors open, sparing Becca of any further Grant discussion. Of course it doesn't help that he rushes over to greet her. She can feel Niall's grip on her hand tightening as Grant hugs her.

"They're waiting for you in the conference room." Grant says.

She looks at Niall. "I better go."

He nods. "You've got this, Babe."

As she enters the conference room, she looks out the large window to find all of the office watching, including Niall and Grant. She takes a seat across from Barbie and their boss.

"Thank you for meeting with me." Becca says.

Barbie speaks up, "Look, I know you are here to complain about me. 'You should have my job', blah blah. Well, it won't do you any good."

Becca ignores Barbie, looking her boss in the eyes. "I've come to let you know that I'm quitting."

"What?" Both say simultaneously, shocked.

They really didn't see this coming? "You obviously don't need me here, so I'm starting my own venture. I'll be leaving effective immediately."

"You can't!" Barbie says.

"Why, Barbie? Upset that you won't be able to take credit for my work anymore? Or is it that none of the athletes like to talk to you?"

Niall stands at the open door. "Ready, B?"

"Yes, I am." Turning back to her now former boss. "If you'll excuse me now, I'm leaving with my 'popstar' fiancé. Good luck to you both, you'll need it." She turns, taking Niall's hand. As they walk to the elevator, several people stop them to say goodbye, most commenting that they wish they could leave too.

When they finally reach the elevator, Grant is there. He looks sad, holding a box containing the contents of her desk.

"Thanks for cleaning out my desk, Grant."

He hands the box to Niall. "I'm going to miss you, Becca."

"Oh Grant, we'll still see each other."

"Promise?" He asks.

Niall rolls his eyes.

"I promise. See you soon."

Grant watches as she and Niall get on the elevator. When the doors close, Niall says, "Oh yeah, he doesn't have a crush on you. Geez."

Becca smirks. "Jealous?"

"Should I be?"

"I only have one thing on my mind right now, Irish." Her hand moves to the front of his pants.

"Babe...let's go home and celebrate."

"How will we celebrate, Irish?"

He pushes her against the elevator wall, whispering roughly in her ear, "I'm gonna make you scream."

Becca's breath catches as his mouth covers hers.

They both blush when they pull back, finding that the doors have opened and an elderly couple is entering the elevator.

"Excuse us, we're getting married soon." Niall says as they exit the elevator.

"Congratulations. Don't ever stop kissing her like that, young man." The older man says before turning to kiss his wife.

The elevator doors close and Niall turns to Becca. "That will be us."


Niall grins, kissing her forehead. "I promise."

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now