Chapter 36

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Niall opens the front door for his beautiful wife, handing her a glass of wine. "I thought you might need this."

Becca smiles, taking the glass and wrapping her free arm around his waist. "Thank you, Irish."

They share a long kiss before Niall says, "Come sit down and tell me about it."

As he heads for the living room, she grabs his hand, pausing him. "Actually, there is something else I'd like to do first."

He grins, "Oh really?"

Becca nods, leading him down the hall. Once in the bedroom, she pulls his neck down then takes his bottom lip between hers, slowly releasing it then going back for it again.

Niall runs his fingers through her hair. "Are you sure you don't need to talk?"

The concerned look in his eyes nearly melts her heart. "I've spent the last several hours with my heartbroken friend. I feel helpless, because I can't take away her pain."

"I'm sorry, B."

"Right now, what I need most, is for my husband to prove to me how much he loves me." She smirks, "You know how to do that, don't you?"

The naughty sparkle in his blue eyes lets her know that he understands exactly what she needs. He wastes no time relieving her of her clothes. She lays on the bed, her naked husband hovering above her. Niall begins at her forehead and kisses his way down her body. The kisses start off sweet, growing more aggressive as he moves down her body. Once he makes it down past her stomach she arches her back as the familiar heat begins down low. Becca moans out with each perfect flick of his tongue. He knows exactly what she likes and never disappoints her.

She grasps at his hair as the explosion rolls though her body. When she opens her eyes, Niall is above her. "Did that prove to you how much I love you?"

She grins, "Mmm, not quite. Keep going, Irish."

He cackles, "My pleasure."

Becca gasps as he enters her. They look into each other's eyes as they move together. This is exactly what she needed; just her and Niall, the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Becca screams out his name as she goes over the edge. He follows right behind,

collapsing beside her. Niall pulls her into his arms. "Feel better?"

She smiles against his chest. "Yes, much better."

"Me too." He grins. "Now do you want to talk?"

"Yes." She sits up, turning to face him. As she tells him all about Kara's version of the break up, Niall listens intently. His mind wanders occasionally as he focuses on how beautiful his wife is.

The bell at the gate sounds, letting them know they have a visitor. "I'll go see who it is."

Niall says as he throws on a pair of gray shorts.

When Becca hears voices in the other room, she throws on her robe to see who it is. She enters the room, stopping abruptly when she sees Adam.

"Hey, Becca." He says, timidly.

"Adam." She says before leaving the room.

Adam turns to Niall. "She hates me, mate."

"She doesn't hate ya. B is a very fair person. Just be honest with her, let her know how you're feeling."

Both men stand as Becca returns to the room, this time dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt. Niall hands her a cup of tea.

"You don't think this conversation calls for something stronger than tea?"

He winks, "Let's save that for later."

"Becca, I know you probably hate me." Adam begins.

"I don't hate you. I just don't understand how you could hurt her like that."

"I love her. I never wanted to hurt her." Adam pauses. "Sometimes I get freaked out by how much I love Kara. It's just ridiculous to get married at 23 though."

Niall raises his brows, "Thanks, mate."

Adam shakes his head. "You two are different. You're perfect for each other."

"And you and Kara aren't?" Becca asks. She observes the dark circles under his eyes. Clearly he hasn't been sleeping either.

Adam meets her eyes. "She's perfect to me, but does that mean I have to marry her right now?"

"No, but you do have to tell her exactly how you feel."

"I tried, Becca. Once she gets something in her head that's all she thinks about. She's so damn stubborn."

Becca nods, "I know."

"And those romantic movies she watches all the time give her unrealistic expectations. Life isn't really like that."

Becca looks at Niall, winking, "I don't know about that."

He smirks and she returns her attention to Adam. "I understand what you're saying, but if you really love'll stop at nothing to make her understand."

Adam looks down, absorbing her words.

"Adam, did anything happen with that girl at the club?"

He looks up quickly, meeting her eyes. "No, I swear."

Becca can see the honesty in his eyes. "I believe you...but I'm not the one you have to convince."

"Mate, I think you should sleep on it tonight. Decide what you want, and what you're gonna do to get it." Niall says.

Adam nods then rises to give Becca a hug. "Thanks for listening."

"No problem. Just stop doing stupid guy shit." Becca says, quoting her best friend.

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