Chapter 00

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"Gray-Sama! Juvia is ready to go!" Juvia says. Gray comes in and nods.

"I am too." He says as he walked over to Juvia ane observing her.

"Are the kids ready?" She says. Gray walked to where the twins room was.

"You guys ready?" He asked 5 year old Sylvia and Rin looked at him and smiled with a nod. Gray went to go check on 6 year old Storm. He wasn't in his room.

"Have you guys seen storm?" Gray asked. Sylvia came out of her room as she giggled.

"He finished early! He went to go see his gggiirrrlllfffrrriiieeennnddd!" She said as she giggled. Gray smiled a bit then patted Sylvia's head.

"Juvia will go get him." Juvia said as she went to the door. She left with a camera. She knew where they were. Storm told her before he left.


"Storm. Can I tell you something." Nashi says. Juvia was using her stalking skills and hide in the bushes with the camera.

"Yeah! Anything!" He says with a smile. She laid her head on his shoulder and hugged his arm.

"Can you promise me something?" She said. He nodded before he laid his head on her head.

"What is it?" He questioned softly.

"We'll be together forever right." She said as her eyes sparkled in the moonlight as she lifted her head looking at him.

"Yeah! Of course!" He says with a smile looking at her.

"You promise.." She said as she looked at him with a more serious look.

"I promise." He says as he hugs her reassuringly.

"I love you Storm." She said softly as she smiled lightly.

"I love you too Nashi." He said back lightly and with a smile.

Juvia on the other hand had taken thousand pictures and fainted a couple times.

"Storm.. Its time to go." Juvia said lightly after she cleaned up herself and walked over to the two.

"Yes Mum." He said. He gave Nashi a kiss in the cheek and smiled when he got up. She smiled and got up and walked with them. Her and Storm held hands while Juvia smiled at them. When they got to their house everyone was outside. They looked at Storm and Nashi. Then Storm and Nashi looked at each other. They hugged each other.

"Awww!" They all said in unison.

Then out of no where came out.

"STORM AND NASHI SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" Said Sylvia and Rin as they danced around. Everyone started laughing and watched them. Nashi and Storm giggled.

"Well come on kids." Gray said. Sylvia and Rin danced there ways to the car. Storm kissed Nashi's cheek and waved bye as he got in the car. She waved back and watched the car leave. She was sad but was happy for the promise he had made.

~~To be continue~~

<Finish editing>

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