Chapter 04

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Storm and Jillian got closer and closer until.

"NO STOP!" Nashi said as she jumped in between them. Jillian had kissed Nashi's hair while Storm kissed Nashi. Nashi blushed. Jillian pulled back and removed the hair from her face. She stared as she saw Nashi and Storm kiss. Storm opened his eyes and they had widened to what he thought was a tomato with hair. He pulled back and stared at her. Nashi put her head down.

"W-Whats was that.." Storm said as he covers his mouth and looked away with a little blush.

"Storm.. Who's this.." Jillian said as she crossed her arms and gave Nashi a glare.

"I'm Nashi Dragneel.. His girlfriend!" She says as she grabbed his arm with her tomato face.

"No she's not I swear she isn't!" Storm said as he tried to pull away. Nashi pinched him hard. He hissed in pain a bit.

"Yes we are and who might you be?" Nashi said as she slightly glared at Jillian. Jillian slightly glared back.

"I'm was his girlfriend when we were in middle school. Oh yeah and he never broke up with me so that makes him my guy." She says as she grabbed Storm's other arm. Nashi's whole world fell apart. She let go of Storm and walked away with her head down. After a couple minutes Jillian left and thought as she walked home.

"Wow. I didn't think you'd get with anyone since 10 years ago." Gale says. Storm looked at he confused after he jumped from her sudden appearance.

"What do you mean?" He asked. She looked at him and thought then nodded remembering what he told her when they first saw each other.

"Oh yeah that's right you lost your memory a long time ago! I forgot to mention that." Gale said as she chuckled a bit. She started poking his head. He stared blankly at her.

"Nashi and your promise." She whispered. Storm was focused as he listened. It seemed to echo in his head. After a while Storm was automatically turn a little pink as he kept hearing her name.


He focused and then passed out on the ground. Gale looked at him. Then noticed it was night time and Jillian had left.

"Wow.. I guess I was focused too!" Gale said as she snorted. She got up and smelled food and left to get food because she was really hungry. But she had left Storm in the grass.

<Finish Editing>

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