Chapter 30

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School was finally over. Storm and Aku finally created the perfect thing and enough for it to go on all the clothes. When school was in session Storm and Aku took there time to soak everyone's clothes. Its now on the roof of the school. Storm and Aku went to take them down. Gale and the others worked on there plan while they waited for there outfits. Nashi and Yuki basically hung out the whole day. Nashi had learned a lot and is no longer jealous of her. Storm pulled out his phone and flipped it open and texted everyone in a group chat.

Storm-'Hey guys! Me and Aku finished taking down your outfits.'

Gale-'Thats awesome! We've finished what we had to do too. So we'll meet ya at the park.'

Yuki-'Okay see ya!'


Storm-'i feel like I'm talking to all girls...'

Reiki-'Nah. I'm here.'

Flamebrain-'Im here also..'


Storm closed his phone and put it away. Him and Aku started walking to the park holding two boxes.

~The park!~

"Here." Storm said as he passed everything out. The girls ran down to an outhouse that was here filled with bathrooms. Two doors one for boys and the other for girls. The boys all went to the boy side and changed. The girls did the same but in the girls side.

"Hurry up guys! It'll start soon!" Gale said. They all ran out. They were all done.

"How about a group photo to remember this!" Gale said with a smile. They all smiled and nodded.

"Wait!" Storm said. He let Jillian and S.X out. They had already been changed.

"Okay now were good." Storm said. Gale looked at them confused. She shrugged it off and got her phone ready.

"Say Cheese!" She said with a smile. They all took the picture smiling. Then they all ran back to the school.

"If you guys didn't take so long bringing the clothes then we wouldn't be rushing!" Gale said as she glared at Storm.

"Aku fell down the stairs! I had to take him to the nurse!" Storm said. Aku nodded.

"Next time there is no sorry." Gale said.

"What do you means next time.. This is our last dance together.." Nashi said. Gale patted her back well attempted it was hard since they were running.

"Theres always college parties!" Gale said with a smile and a wink. Nashi tried to smile but she was thinking about it.

"Guys I have to~"

"Were here we made it!" Igneel said as they stopped in front if the School. They all walked in as they all were catching there breaths.

"Well finally I thought you'd never get here." Rose said as she and Silver were already dressed. They all walked in they came a bit early to set up.

"So guys we had some people that wanted join us in the band. You can come out." Rose said as she looked behind the door. A girl with blue hair come out. Along with a boy with white hair. The group looked at them.

"Hi.. I'm Sora. And this is Lixan." The girl Sora said. Sora had blue hair and was pretty short. Lixan had white hair. He seemed pretty serious and a little scary for a kid. Sora looked innocent and shy.

<Editing Finished>

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