Chapter 05

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The next had came and it was a school day all night Storm slept in the grass. Chaos was the only thing to describe what was happening at home.


"JUVIA CALM DOWN!" Gray said as he rubbed Juvia's back.

"JUVIA IS SO WORRIED ABOUT STORM!! HE NEVER CAME BACK! WE MUST CALL THE POLICE!!" She yelled as she cried and grabbed her phone dialing the police number.

"Hello how may I help you?" The person on the other line said.

"HELPJUVIASSONISMISSING!!!!!" Juvia yelled out to the phone. The person on the other phone was telling her to calm down but she kept saying it over and over until.

"Mum..." Storm said as he stood in the door way with his clothes a little wet and filled with grass.

"STORM!" Gray and Juvia yelled as they ran towards him.


"Gale have you seen Storm? He didn't come home last night." Sylvia said to Gale.

"N~ Wait!!.. Oh yeah he should be in the field. Forgot to wake him up." She said as she was eating.

"What?!" She face palmed and pulled Gale to the field. They didn't see Storm. Suddenly the bell rang.

"Damn it were late!" Sylvia said.

"We can just get a pass from Rose. She's the student body president." Gale said as she got up and started walking. Sylvia started talking about how she would make a bad impression since she's new and its her first day and she's also very late. Gale ate her food as she didn't care about it.

Then they saw Rosemary on the steps looking at everything but then she just glared at them. They got closer and when they we close enough.

"Why aren't you in class?" Rose said as she tapped her finger on the stone.

"Storm is no where to be found and we were trying to look for him but we couldn't find him." Sylvia said in a shaky voice.

"Hi..." Storm said from behind them. They both looked back. Sylvia smiled then walked up to him and slapped him.

"WHERE WERE YOU! MOM ALMOST FLOOD THE WHOLE HOUSE!" Sylvia said with a mad voice. Rosemary then pushed all of them up the stairs.

"I'll write you a pass now hurry up!" She said.

"Hey! Get off me!" Storm said as he didn't realize who it was. Then he felt a death glare go right through him. He turned around and saw Rose. His eyes widened and he quickly got on his knees.

"IM SORRY! PLEASE DONT KILL ME! IM TOO YOUNG!" He said as he begged for his life. She pushed him off and gave them their passes.

"Get to class." She said. Storm nodded and ran to class.

"Thank you Rose! I'll buy you some cake later!" He yelled from across the hall. Sylvia and Gale laughed and walked to class.

<Finish Editing>

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