Chapter 02

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Nashi went home and stayed in her room until.

"Hey Nashi! I have a big surprise for you!!" Her mother Lucy said as she came in with a smile.

"What?" She said as she read a book. She wasn't interested in surprises anymore especially after what hapoened with the first one.

"We're having guests for dinner!" She says with a happy voice. Nashi kept her head in the book.

"So you want me to get ready?" She said as she looked up. Lucy nods.

"Yes please! And what's wrong? You've been in the room ever since you got home." Lucy said with a little worry as she observed her.

"I'm fine mom. I'll be down soon." She said as she forced smiled and got up. Her mom smiled and nodded as she got out the room. Nashi sighed and started getting ready.


"I'm not going." Storm said as he looked at his mom bluntly.

"Juvia wants you to go you'll see all your friends and Family. Not to mention Nashi. Maybe she can help you with your problem.." Juvia said as she frowned a bit. Storm hugged her.

"I'm fine. It'll all come back someday but I guess if you want me to get help from some random person then okay." He said. He pulled back and looked at her.

"I'll go." He said. His mom looked at him then cried.

"eh?!? Mom?!? What's wrong?!" He said as he hugged her a bit.

"Your growing up so fast! Your taller than Juvia and want to make your own choices now! Sooner or later!! Your not gonna need Juvia!!" She said as she hugged him back still crying.

"Mom I'm like a couple inches taller than you. And I'll always need you.. Your my mum!" He said with a smile. Gray then came in Storms room.

"What happened?!? Are you okay Juvia?!" He said as he grabbed her and carried her out the room. Storm chuckled and shook his head. He went looking for something and couldnt find it. So he went to the Attic. While he was up there he saw a box.


Was written on it. He opened the box.

"What this?" He said as he went to reach for it.

"STORM!!! DAD SAID GET DOWN HERE HE DOESNT WANT ANYONE UP THERE!!" Rin said as he jumps up and tried his best to punch the ceiling. Storm grabbed the box and brought it to his room.

He put it under his bed and got dressed. After a while he was done and they all left they got in the car and drove to a restaurant there was a spot reserved for the family with others.

"FlameBrain!" Gray said as he smiled as he went over to Natsu.

"Ice-Princess!" Natsu said as he puntched his arm.

Juvia then left to a group with a bunch of girls. Sylvia and Rin ran to an Ice-Cream machine. Gray and Natsu walked to a group of guys. Storm was left standing there not knowing anyone. But one person.

"Hey Olaf!" Gale said as she came over. Storm waved and smiled seeing someone familiar to hang out with.

"Nashi!" Gale said as she looked passed Storm. Storm turned and looked at her.

"Nashi?" He mumbled as he looked at her. Then something came to his mind. Storm shook his head and turned back around. He walked away and sat down and put his head down. Gale sat on the other side of the booth. Nashi was gonna sit with Gale.

"Sorry this spot is taken!" Gale said as she put her legs up. Nashi sighed and sat with Storm. Storm took a little peak. Nashi looked at him and they looked at each other.

"Hello. Again." Nashi said a bit bluntly, she had to admit. She was still angry.

"I'm sorry about that.. You were just scaring me a bit..." Storm said as he sat up noticing her anger.

"Its okay.. I guess." She says as she shrugged. Storm stood up he looked one direction then the other. Then stopped.

"I need to use the bathroom.." He says as he scooted out. They weren't paying attention when he went the wrong way. Storm took a walk outside. He then bumped into someone.

+(and that's it!!)+

<Finish Editing>

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