Chapter 20

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The two were silent. Until. A blue flash of light shined from Storms hands. He started to glow and his hair turned white. Nashi jumped off him and looked at what he was doing. Storm went in front of her and made a snowflake.

"Is this what it did to you.." She said as she touched his face. He nodded.

"Pretty cool right!" He said getting out of his serious mode and giving off a childish smile. Nashi giggled.

"Yeah pretty cool. Did Sylvia and Rin get the same thing too?" She asked.

"Nah. Sylvia got this water power. While Rin got like the four elements." Storm said as he started eating an ice-pop.

"That's cool. I'm glad you told me. Its nice to not have anymore secrets." Nashi said as she smiled. Storm smiled and nodded.

"Well there is one more thing..." He said. She looked at him curiously.

"See.. I kinda hit my dad with this ice and he kinda has it now.. Also my mum was kinda hit with Sylvia's powers and she kinda has it.. And then.. I got in trouble and mum kinda hit me with her powers..... So really we all kinda have mixes up powers.." Storm said with a nervous chuckle. Nashi looked at him and he looked away. She started giggling.

"Your family is weird!" She said with a smile and giggles. He smiled.

"Okay now let's go to class." He says with a small smile.

They walked into class. Everyone looked at them. The teacher was busy looking for something. Storm grabbed Nashi's hand and ran in as he saw his change. The teacher turned around.

"Your late Mr. Fullbuster and Ms. Dragneel." Mrs. Dreyar said as she had a little smile.

"Sorry. It was my fault." Storm said. Nashi shook her head.

"It was me. I had to talk to him and it took a while. I forgot about the bell. What I said was really important. I apologize for being late." She said seriously trying to hide how nervous she was. Everyone looked at them. Mrs. Dreyar smiled and walked up to them. She was in front of them and said.

"AWW!!! OTP!! YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE!" She said as she pinched there cheeks.

"So what was it about?!?!" Mrs. Dreyar said as she smirked.

"Well~" Nashi was gonna say something until.

"I BET IT WAS ABOUT THE DANCE!" She said excitedly.

"Mrs. Dreyar it's not appropriate to talk about things like that while class is supposed to be in session." Rose said as she stood up. Everyone sat up straight and nodded. Mrs. Dreyar went up to Rose.

"What if I talk about you and Silver instead!" Mira said with a smirk. Rose blushed.

"Fine but leave me out of this." Rose said. But then the bell rang. Rose smirked.

"Everyone to lunch now!" Rose said as he stood next to the door. Mira gave a note to Nashi.

'When you get marries I would like to be the maid of honor!'

Nashi looked at Mrs. Dreyar. She was smiling as if she didn't do anything. Then she looked at Nashi and winked. Nashi blushed and ran to catch up with Storm. Storm sat at his usual spot on the roof. He sat there with Sylvia, Aku, Reiki, Rin, Rose, Silver, Nova, Gale, Ryujin,Yuki, Jillian, and StormX. Its the first time that Igneel and Nashi have been up there for lunch. The guys would talk about sports. While the girls would talk about the dance.

"So guys who doesn't have a date to the dance yet?" Igneel asked. Ryujin and Yuki raised there hands.

"YOU TWO SHALL GO TOGETHER!" Igneel said as he smashed there heads together. Ryujin then grabbed Igneel and pinned him on the ground.

"Dont touch me." He said as he let go. Gale went up to Ryujin and smacked his arm lightly.

"Be nice!" She said. Ryujin roles his eyes.

"I'll go with you. As friends." Yuki said. Ryujin nodded in agreement.

"So you guys. For the dance I was thinking we would all play something at it. Yah know like we did as kids. It'll be fun." Rose said as she smiled. They all smiled and nodded. Yuki, Aku, StormX, and Jillian were a bit confused.

"I wasn't with you guys when you were all little. So..." Yuki said. Aku, StormX, and Jillian nodded.

"Well we all used to perform together like on the holidays. We all took turns picking themes but we stopped when Storm left. Because it was his turn to pick." Rose said. Storm smiled.

"Aww! You guys waited for me!" Storm said with a smile. Nashi nodded a little.

"Anyways. Storm what should we do?" Rose asked everyone looked at Storm. Storm looked at Sylvia then Rin and smile.

"Magic." Storm said. Nashi smiled.

"Rin do you still have those crystals.." Storm said as he looked at Rin. Rin and Sylvia's eyes widened.

"No. Please dont say your gonna do it to them..." Sylvia said. Storm laughed.

"What no.. Maybe.. Anyways... Uh... I am gonna use them for decoration........ Yeah..... Decoration." He said. Rin shrugged.

[Editing Finished]

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