Chapter 25

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"Storm you should at least try and talk to her." Gale said as Storm, Yuki and her walked through the halls.

"No I dont want to." He said. Yuki and gale started whispering to each other and nodded once the were done. They both grabbed Storm. They ran with him and looked for Nashi. When they finally found her they threw him at her. He was in the air but then as he was crash landing he crashed into Nashi and fell on top of her. Storms eyes widened as his burns started to feel like they were burning. When they were down on the ground he quickly got up and ran away. He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He look his bandages off and washed his face while wincing in pain when he touched his wounds. He looked in the mirror.

"I guess it'll take a lot more than water to heal this." He said as he looked at the wounds. He then took off his shirt and took the band aid off. He dipped his shirt in water and started putting water on the burns. He then froze his chest burn and put a band aid. He didn't care about his face of anything. His chest was his source so he did everything to protect it. He put band aids on his face and arms again. He put his Volleyball shirt on and put his other shirt in his bag. He couldn't wear it. He knew by wearing the Volleyball shirt it would show more and they might ask him more questions. But he had no choice. He then walked out. He walked with his head down. He then stopped when something grabbed him. He looked to the side.

"Mr. Fullbuster. What happened to you?" Mira said in a worried voice. Storm looked away.

"Nothing really." He says as he gets out of her grasp and walks away.

"I must speak to his parents.." She mumbled to herself. She went into her office and quickly dialed Grays number.

"Hello Gray Fullbuster here. Who is this?"

"Hi! Its Mira!"

"What's up Mira?"

"Well I wanted to ask about what happened to Storm."

"Oh.. Well he didn't tell us either he did say something about it.. But we didn't understand."

"At least he said something to you.. What did he say?"

"Well he said..."

Mira wrote everything down.

"Okay thank you. I'll catch you later Gray!"

"Okay bye talk to you next time."

Mira hung up and read over what she wrote down.

"Seems like a poem.." She said as she read over it many times an still didn't understood it.


"Storm come on." Yuki said as she was sitting in the desk next to him.

"Why would you guys do that." He said as he looked at her with a mad expression.

"We were trying to see if anything would happen." Gale said as she sat in the empty desk behind Yuki.

"Well something did my burns feel worse now! Thanks to you two!" He said as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't think you'd get this mad cause we did that." Yuki said as she out her head down. Gale shrugged.

"Get yelled at almost all the time. Used to it." She said as she looked at Yuki.

"I barely get yelled at." She says as we looked at Gale with a little sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry if I mad you feel bad." Storm said as he didn't look at Yuki and sighed.

"Its okay." She said as we looked forward when she saw the teacher come in.

"Ms. Redfox! To your seat!" The teacher said. She sighed and walked to her seat.

"Okay Class. Today..." The teacher continued. Storm and Yuki were writing notes to each other like Normal. Nashi on the other hand would look at them and get a tad jelly. Yuki and Storm would get close. They weren't interested in each other. They were just best friends. Nashi thought they were more than that.

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