Chapter 26

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"THE DANCE IS TOMORROW!" Sylvia said with a smile as they all walked together. Nashi was talking to Gale while trying to his he jealousy when Storm put his arm around Yuki and Ryujin. She was fine with Ryujin. But she was super jealous of Yuki.

"So have you and Stormed talked?" Gale asked. Nashi shook her head

"Well you guys need to start. Because tomorrow you and him are gonna sing a song together." Nashi chocked on air.

"What?!" She said.

On the other hand.

"Are you pumped for tomorrow!" Yuki said. Storm smiled and nodded.

"AWESOME!!... Because you and Nashi are singing together!" She said the last part a little bit quiet. Storm stopped and spit his ice-pop out.

"What?!" He said as he looked at her.

"Go talk to her." Yuki said straight forward. Yuki became serious. Storm looked at her and sighed. Gale did the same to Nashi. Nashi and Storm started walking in the same direction. They stopped in front of each other.

"Hi." Storm said. She breathed and looked at him straight forward.

"Hi. I know you dont want to be talking to me. And I dont want to talk to you. But I'm sorry. I never ment to hurt you." She says as she fiddles with her fingers a bit. He looked down. Everyone watched.

"I'm sorry too. I've avoided you the whole time because I thought... You'd hurt me more." He said. Nashi started crying.

"I dont want to hurt you anymore." She rubbed her eyes and bowwed.

"GOMEN'NASAI!" She yelled as she continued crying slowly. He went up to her. She stood up straight. Storm then dropped his head on her shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her. She blushed. His burns felt as if they were burning more. But really it was all healing. He stayed here in that position and didn't move until.

"I'm sorry. For making you think you had to be sorry." He looked at her. He wiped her tears away.

"No more crying." He said. She smiled and grabbed his hands.

"Aw.." Everyone said besides.

"Ew." Igneel said. He didn't want to see his sister with him. Gale stomped on his foot.

"I'm sorry. Geez.." Igneel said as he sat down. Storm and Nashi then hugged for a while and parted ways.

((Yesh! Its short cause I want there to be like a big happy ending that leads to there future and stuff so yeah!))

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