Chapter 17

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Storm and Igneel walked out of School together. When they got to Reiki's house that sat in front of the TV.

"What shall we watch?" Storm said to Igneel.

"How about some anime?" Igneel said. Storm nodded. Reiki then entered the room.

"You guys should watch this one" Reiki said as he was in tears after watching it. They laughed and reiki crossed his arms.

"I BET YOU GUYS WILL CRY!" He said. They looked at each other and laughed. They put it in and started watching.

~End of the anime~

"SHE DIED!!" Igneel says as he was crying.

"WHY!!!!!" Storm said as he was crying as well. Reiki was crying too.

"WHAT DID I SAY!" They all blowed their noses. Then the front door opened. They all tried to hide they were crying and put shades on.

"Silver.. What are you doing here?" Storm said to his brother. Rose then popped behind him. Storm jumped back.

"I SHALL PROTECT YOU BROTHER!" He said as he got into a fighting position. His glasses fell off. Rose and Silver looked at him.

"Were you crying?" Silver asked. Rose tried not to laugh. Storm looked away and sat back in the dark with Reiki and Igneel.

"Well we'll be in the back if you need any.. Tissues." Rose said as they both laughed and went to the backyard.

"Let's go do something." Igneel said to Storm. Reiki shook his head.

"I'll stay." Reiki said. Storm and Igneel shrugged.

~Time skip~

Storm and Igneel were walking around the book store looking for manga. They were also talking about the anime.

"You think they'll make a second season where like he finds someone like her and they end up getting together but then like Kaori watches him and she's like really happy and one day she like goes into his dreams!?" Igneel says. Storm nods.

"They should totally do that!" He says.

"What are you guys talking about?" Someone says from behind them. They look back.

"Hey Ryujin! Were talking about this anime we watched earlier! Its called~" Storm wasn't able to finished his sentence because Igneel yelled out.

"I FOUND THE MANGA!" He yelled out holding the manga in his hand. Storm ran to him.

"What is it?" Ryujin said as he walked over.

"SHIGATSU WA KIMI NO USO!!" They both said in unison. They opened it and read it as they sat down. Ryujin sat with them and listened.

At the end Ryujin had tried hard not to cry. He had let a couple tears come out and thats it. Igneel and Storm were crying a river.

They were kicked out the store. They left to go watch a movie. When they were there Storm fell asleep. Igneel really just bought a bunch of food and started eating. When the movie was finished Storm was left in the movie theaters. Igneel forgot all about the movie and just ate.

"Excuse me sir!" Someone said as they noticed Storm was sleeping. Storm woke up.

"Oh I'm sorry did I fall sleep?" Storm said he looked at the person. His eyes widened.

"YOU LOOK LIKE KAORI!" He said to her. Then she faded away and everything went dark.

"Am I in heaven?" He said as he walked but then.

"Storm.. Storm... STORM WAKE UP!" Igneel said. Storm jumped up.

"Oh it was just a dream.." Storm said as he got up. Igneel smiled.

"Let's go home I'm tired." Storm said as he rubbed his eyes. Igneel nodded. As they walked the walked passed a photo booth.

"LETS TAKE A PICTURE!" Igneel said. Storm chuckled and went in with Igneel. They went in and took a couple. They split them and started walking home. Igneel then remembered.

"So you and Nashi have gotten further apart.. She's seems really sad about it." Igneel said. Storm looked at him.

"Well a lot has happened. I guess I just dont have the time to talk to her." He says as he shrugs. Igneel glares at him.

"You have nothing to do all day. The least you can do is say hi to her!" Igneel says as a tick marks shows up on his head. Storm then wasn't there when Igneel looked over.

"You passed your house!" Storm yelled from the corner of the sidewalk where his house was. Igneel realized he was on the other corner. He walked back and entered his house. He watched Storm go inside his own house. Storm changed when he entered his house. Igneel looked at Storms house wondering if he heard him.

'He better have.'

Igneel thought as he went to his room.

[Editing Finished]

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