Haii~~ Again

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Hello the people that are left reading this or any of my books.

There is probably like 3 of you cause I just suck that much..


If you follow me them you probably would've gotten that thing I put on my message board thingy.

Yes I am writing again.

"Oh no! More terrible stories!"


You arent wrong for thinking that:')

So thos story is like a whole plot twist and it just makes a bunch of things.. Confusing.

But HEY!

I need something to keep me on my Anime.

Ive been watching Kpop and writing kpop.

Shameless self promo:

Follow my other account for some Kpop shiz!

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Follow my other account for some Kpop shiz!

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Do you like kpop?

Are BTS and Astro two of your favs?!

Well then follow HaI_UnIvErse for some BTS and Astro stuff including some Individual Astro stuff and some more individual member things on the way!

Well then follow HaI_UnIvErse for some BTS and Astro stuff including some Individual Astro stuff and some more individual member things on the way!

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*commercial mode off*



Ive been spending so much time there and forget everything here.

So I would like to introduce you to!

So I would like to introduce you to!

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The Other Half By AIA

I bet you are wondering..

"Who dafuq is dat?"

Well my precious little readers!

That is Soichi Fullbuster-Dragneel + Tylers last name... in which I never gave to him.. oof

Yes its a huge twist they have a son wow big surprise.

But anyways!!

Please look forward to that~

Also for any of my RPers that are readers.. Send me some RPs to join cause I dont want to be bored and lonely 24/7

If your took the time to read this your soul has been blessed and your sins are now gone.

Thank you~


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