Chapter 15

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"Sylvia." Aku said as he looked at her. Sylvia's head was down. Storm looked at his sister. Then back at Nashi.

"Do you not know anything.." He said as he put a hand through his hair. Nashi tilted her head.

"What?" She said quietly. Aku turned around to Nashi.

"I have a Girlfriend!" Aku said. Sylvia looked up with tears in her eyes.

"What is happeneing?!" She said as she looked at Aku then Nashi.

"Nothing I swear!" Aku said as he waved his hands in front of him. Storm stood there silently.

"Nashi.. What were you doing.." Sylvia said. Nashi looked at Sylvia. Nashi didn't know what to do. Sylvia looked at Storm. Storm watched Nashi struggle. Then Storm looked at Sylvia.

"It was my fault. It was accident. I pushed Aku and then he pushed Nashi and they ended up on the ground." Storm said as he looked at Sylvia. Then Sylvia wiped away her tears.

"Is that true?.." She said a she looked at Aku. Aku looked at Storm. Storm nodded. Aku looked at Sylvia.

"Yes.." He says. Storm looked at Nashi and Nashi looked at Storm. She could tell he did that for Aku and that he was mad at her. Nashi got up and walked away.

"Gomen.." She said silently as she walked away. Storm looked at Sylvia and Aku. They started walking. Storm looked back at Nashi and then walked to her.

"Here." He says as he gave her his sports shirt. She looked at it.

"What's this for?" She asked. He sighed.

"Go ahead and put it on. The shirt your wearing now. Is wet and see through." He says as he didn't care and kept walking. Nashi blushed and ran into the girls locker room.

'Smells nice... 10... S. Fullbuster... Didn't he...'

Nashi was thinking and then she blushed as she poked her head out.

"Didnt you wear this when you were practicing??" She said as she blushed.

"Yeah. So its not that dirty is it?" He says. She shakes her head.

"Its fine." She went back in and changed into it.

'A little big... Smells like... Like Storm.....
WHAT?!?! His smell..........'

Nashi blushes as she walked out with it on. He looked at her.

"It suits you. Remember to give it back to me at the end of the day." He says. She nods. The late bell then rang. They looked at each other. They both started running through the halls. They made it to there class and quickly sat before the teacher noticed they weren't there.

"Nashi.. Isnt that Storm's sports jersey?" Gale whispered as she sat behind her. Nashi nodded.

"So you guys are friends again?!" Gale said happily. Nashi shook her head.

"He's mad at me.. He's also changed.." She said as she put her head down a bit. Gale slammed her head on the desk.

"You guys need to hurry and make up." She whispered. Nashi stayed silent and listened to the teacher. Storm sat diagonally from Nashi. She had noticed he fell asleep. She watched him sleep.

"Mr. Fullbuster!" The teacher said. Storm still standed his ground and slept.

"Nashi can you please wake him up." The teacher said but before Nashi even got up. Storm faced his head to the front and was wide awake then. Nashi looked away from him and up to the board.

[Finish editing]

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