Chapter 13

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Storm woke up the next day and didn't go to school. Nashi woke up pale and not as normal as she would wake up. She didn't talk in school. Her friends were worried and her teachers barely noticed her.

"Nashi are you okay?" Rosemary asked a she walked with her. Nashi nodded staying silent.

"That's a lie.. What's wrong?" Rose said as they walked to the next class. She shook he head and quietly said.

"I'm a-okay.." She said as she sighed and looked away.

"Olaf! Why the hell are you late??" Gale says as she was walking with Storm.


"Storm your teacher called and you have a test. She said if you don't go now your gonna have to take it by yourself and there's also much homework to be done!" Gray says as he walks in the room. Storm sighed and got up.

"Fine I'll go... and we don't have a test.. I know what your trying to do dad.." Storm says remembering the test was next week. Gray smiled.

"HURRY AND GET OUT MY HOUSE!!" Gray yelled knowing he'd just lay back down with his clothes on. Storm jumped out his bed and ran out the house.

"Juvia wishes you a good day!!" She says with a smile and waves.

End of flashback ~~

"Did I miss anything important?" He says to Gale. Nashi kept staring at him as they walked into the lunch room. Gale shook her head.

"Nah. All we did was go over a couple things. The class was silent. You have to be there you know more math than anyone." Gale says as they sat down and he started his math homework.

"That's only because I know math because its easy. Also back where I used to live. Dad signed the wrong thing and put me in math club. So yeah." He says as he finishes and puts it away. Gale grabbed it and started copying.

"I'm gonna go get lunch." He says as he got up. Gale nods as she copied. Storm stood quietly in the line thinking about everything. Nashi walked up to Gale and sat down. Storm was wandering off into space as he grabbed his lunch he hasn't noticed yet. Nashi copied the homework slowly and put her head down. Storm was walking to the table until he saw Nashi. He sighed and quickly grabbed his homework and went to the roof instead.

"Did something happen?" Gale asked Nashi. Nashi stayed silent and copied Gale's homework instead. Gale pulled her homework away and glared at Nashi.

"Nashi. What happened." She said seriously. Nashi looked at Gale then back down.

"He remembers. But he broke the promise. Along with.... He kissed Jillian.." Nashi said as she looked down and her eyes started getting watery.

"Where did they kiss?" Gale said thinkimg about something Storm told her.

"They kissed at some pond in the woods." She said. Gale started thinking really hard.

"AHA!!" She said as it came to her. Nashi looked at her with curiosity.

"Storm told me that he went to the pond with StormX and Jillian. Storm said he was sleeping in the tree above it." Gale said as she looked at her. Nashi thought about it.

"I dont believe it... He has to say it himself." Nashi said. Gale ran up to the roof.

"OLAF!!!" She yelled she looked around.

"I never realized how big the roof was.." She said quietly. Then she spotted a raven haired boy sitting next to a cyan haired girl. When she got closer they kissed. She looked real closely.

"Aha! Its StormX... Am I the only one that can tell the difference?" She said talking to herself.

"Er... Gale." Someone said as they tapped her shoulder. Gale jumped and quickly turned around.

"Oh Olaf... Your lucky I saw you before I punched you." She said with a smile.

"Wha~" he was gonna finish his sentence but then she grabbed him and ran back to the cafeteria.

[Editing Finished]

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