Chapter 11

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"You.. You remember my full name.. I told you that years ago." She says.

"You told me when you were 5 the first time we meet. I was 6. Your parents took me to your house to be with Igneel but Igneel ended up being sick and my parents hadn't picked me up so I played with you and slept over.. It was cold and it was raining really hard with lightening. You got scared but I told you not to worry... I remember it all." He says with a smile. Nashi had watery eyes as she looked at him.

"You broke our promise because you didn't remember it. But now you remember and you still broke it!" She says as she starts crying.

"Nashi I-." Storm said but was interrupted when she started crying.

"If the promise was so important to you..." She went quite and was looking down until she shoot her head up and cried.

"YOU WOULDNT HAVE FORGOTTEN IT!" She says as she cried. Storm was speechless and didn't know what to do.

"Leave.." She says as she points to the window.

"But-" He was gonna say something until.

"I said leave." She said calmly with her head down. He put his head down and left. He walks home looking down.

"So how did it go son?!" Gray asked as he smile. Storm stayed silent until.


"Oh.. So it went wrong?" Gray says. Storm looked at him confused and sneezed again.

"What are you talking about?" Storm says as he kept sneezing. Juvia chuckled.

"Ever since you were little every time something would go wrong you'd sneeze but you were never sick even if it was cold. Juvia thinks your just like your dad!" Juvia said with a smile and pat his head happily but still worried.

"I'm going to my room *acho*." He said as he got up and went upstairs. He laid in his bed and began to think about everything. Then he heard a knock on the window.

"Storm! Its me Jillian!" Jill said as StormX was beside her. He went to the window and opened it.

"Yeah what's up?" Storm said as he turned back around and sat on his bed.

"Well we are going to the little pond in the forest you should come!" She said with a smile.

"It might cheer you up." StormX said noticing he wasn't happy. Storm got up.

"Okay I guess." He said as he climbed out the window with them behind him. They all walked through the forest to the pond. Storm sneezed yet again.

"So it didn't go so well with Nashi huh?" Jillian said knowing what the sneezes ment.

"Is there anyone else that knows about that?" Storm said T^T. Jillian giggled.

"Here we are!" Jillian said as she smiled. The moon shined down on the pond which made it glow. It was a beautiful aqua colored pond. The white and blue flowers would glitter as the moon would hit them. The fireflies were everywhere blinking. The cherry blossom that hung over it was big and tall and filled with its pink fluffy leaves. It was like a scene out of a dream.

"Wow.." Storm and StormX said as they looked at it. Jillian jumped into the pond.

"Come on!" She said with a smile.

"Jill you do know your in your school clothes right?" StormX said. Jillian shrugged.

"I can get a new uniform." She said with a smile. Storm was already shirtless. He sat in a branch on the tree and looked at the moon. StormX and Jillian were playing and talk in the pond.


"Nashi what's wrong?!" Lucy said as she looked at her daughter curled up into a ball in her bed.

"He remembers..." She said as she hugged something.

"Who remembers and what's that?" She said as she looked at her with worried eyes. She threw Storms shirt on the ground.

"Storm remembers me now! But... But.." She said as her eyes got watery. Lucy hugged her which made her stop talking.

"If he remember then why are you crying?" She said as she patted her head. Nashi looked at her.

"He broke the promise because he didn't remember and I told him to leave me alone because he did." Nashi said as she hugged her mom tighter.

"Its okay hun its not like he'll take it that seriously.. Now matter what he knows you will always like him." Lucy said with a smile and whipped Nashi's tears away.

"But what if he thinks its real.." She said as she sat down with her head down. Lucy looked at her.

"Than go tell him yourself." Lucy said as she smiled. Nashi thought about then stood up tall.

"I will!" She said as she climbed out the window.

((Guys if you've noticed I've posted 4 because!!! I finished the book its all done!!))

~Editing Complete~

[Finish Editing]

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