Chapter 23

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The next day the group all went to school. Nashi walked far behind them alone. She tried to stay quiet so she wouldn't get notices. It worked.

"What should I do.. I dont want to... But then I want to.." She said talking to herself. Then two people came from behind.

"Is this her?" One whispered as they grabbed onto her and covered her mouth.

"Yes. They did say she looked like him." The other one said. They both ran while holding Nashi. They went to a secret place down below.

"Are you Nashi Dragneel." A lady said as she took off her hood to her cloak. Nashi stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

"Answer me or this'll be more worse." Nashi looked at her.

"Let me go!" She said as her hands started to flame up. The lady smirked.

"So yes. You know that Storm kid is really smart. I get why you like him. But.. He was stupid enough to give you and your brother these crystals. Its dangerous for the Dragneels to have something like this." She said. Nashi glared at her.

"What are you talking about. My family isn't dangerous." She said. The lady smiled.

"Sweetheart if you dont believe me.. Then why not try for yourself.." She said as she touch Nashi's neck. A little mark showed up. Nashi's eye became dull.

"Now. I want you to let your inner beast out.. And be the destruction you are Nashi Dragneel." She said with a smile. Nashi broke out of what sealed here on the walls. She fell to the ground. She was shaking.

"Dont fight it. You didn't think you were something bad. Well." She bent down next to her.

"Time to see what you can do." She said with a smirk. Nashi stopped shaking. She stood up. She lookesaid the lady.

"Yes. Miss." She said as she waited for her command. Nashi's eyes were dull and a firey red. The girl smiled.

"Go ahead destroy what you may." She said. Nashi walked out destroying hr own path out. She came out to the outside. He first destination. The school. As she walked there all she could think about was the negative things.

"You left me. You broke my heart. You tried to make it all better. You made me think it was my fault. When really it was." We was walking and she stood on the first step of the stairs.

"Yours." She said as she walked up the steps and flames grew all over the railing as she touched it. The plants burned and died.

"Now its your turn to know what it feels like to have a broken promise." She burst through the doors of the school. The fire alarm went on. They all ran to the halls and were scared when they saw Nashi standing there. Everyone ran to the back instead. Except for the group.

"Storm what's wrong with her?!?!" Gale said as she looked at Storm. He was shocked to see her staring him dead in the eye burning his soul. As she walked more flames built up along the school walls and the floor. She seemed lifeless as she walked and he eye were different. Igneel went for her but was grabbed by Gale.

"She might hurt you!" She said as she held him.

"I'm her brother she wouldn't." Igneel said as he kept walking. He grabbed Nashi's arm.

"Nashi what are you doing." He said. Nashi looked at him.

"Giving him a taste of his own medicine." She said. Igneel let go of her.

"That's not Nashi.." He said to Gale. Gale went up to her.

"Nashi! Nashi! Are you in there?!?!" She said as she poked her a bunch on her face which seemed to make her more mad.

"Enough" she said as she pushes them off. She focused on Storm.

"What happened... You promise me you wouldn't do anything like this." Storm said as he got closer to her. They both got closer.

"And you promised we'd be together no matter what." She said. They were face to face.

"Nashi you know very well why I didn't remember that." He said.

"But I hurt me too much. And you should know that." She said. He struggled to but he hugged her. His face was burning along with his arms and chest.

"Nashi you know how I felt after I realized that promise was broken." He said shakily. He was trying to fight what was happening to him.

"And you know how I felt the first time I saw you." She said as a tear came out.

"Oh no. She breaking down." The lady said as she was far away watching.

"Yeah. And I was sorry for that. Image whats happening now. Right now.. I know how you felt." He said as he was shaking and had burn marks all over him. Nashi didn't say anything.

"Nashi. I never ment to hurt you. And you breaking this promise. Hurts me the way I hurt you." He said. She had tears coming down. She stopped the fire. Storm let go of her and fell on the floor with many injuries due to the fire. Nashi looked at him and started crying.

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