Chapter 29

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Today is the day of the dance. Everyone was excited. Storm and Nashi had forgotten they weren't going together. Storm was in the science lab working on everyone's clothes working on something to make them glow.

"Hm.. Well the crystals glowed.. But will they glow if I add clothes to the mixture." He said to himself. He went inside the cabinets of the science room and grabbed a piece of clothes. He put a drop of the crystal on cloth. Be closed the blinds. Then he turned off the light and shut the door. It was a dim light so he didn't really see the glowing much. He sighed and turned the light back on. He tripped over some stuff which made a big crash.

The quickly turned on the light. He looked at what it was. He remember something.

'Do not knock down anything! The kids before were working on something and if you trip it may make the mixture wrong. Do you promise me you'll be careful.' The science teacher from the freshmints said.

'I'm not 100% sure that'll be possible ma'am.' Storm said to her.

'Well try our best these kids worked really hard please be careful.' She said.

He then walked away from it. Then stopped and thought about the guilt. He sighed and picked it up. The mixture was on the ground it wasn't visible but it looked like water just much clear. Storm cleaned it up. He looked at it. It basically looks like water. He thought of something. He squeezed some of it out. He put it in the beacon with the mixture for the glow in the dark mixture. He then grabbed another glow stick cut it and put more inside of it. He mixed it together and turned the lights off. He turned on the teachers lamp so he had at least a little light. He watched as the mixture slowly glowed brighter and brighter. He smiled. But then it all went wrong as it got brighter it got hotter and at the end. It all exploded. Storm was covered in stuff which made him glow. He quickly washed it off as he ran to the boys locker room. He took a shower with his school clothes on a washed everything. When he got out as he sighed. He grabbed his sports uniform and put it on.

"I guess I have to wear this.." He said as he looked at himself. He walked outside. He bumped into Aku.

"Oh Hey! Did you get the mixture to work?" He asked. Stormed sighed and shook his head.

"I can help if you want!" Aku said. Storm smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Thanks that'll be really helpful!" He said as he put his arm around him and walked. Aku chuckled and walked to the science room with him.

"What happened?!" Aku said. Storm sheepishly smiled.

"Well I accidently made a mess.." He said. Aku and him started cleaning.


"So guys I have an idea." Gale said with a smile. They all looked at her. Nashi and Storm weren't there. Nashi was with Yuki who had already known what they were talking about. So is Aku.

"We should have like a big surprise for Nashi and Storm." She said with a smile.

"Like a romance thing?" Reiki asked as he looked at her.

"Yeah." She said. Nova then thought and smiled.

"I have an idea!" She said with a smile. They looked at her.

"LETS GO!" She said as she ran. They ran after her. They tried to walk out the school but then Erza escorted them back in.

"Forgot school just started.." Nova said. They all went to class. Storm and Aku were still working which was fine. They helped out some of the students that helped him while he was working. Yuki and Nashi were talking about what might happen afterwards. It was there last dance in the school. Then they'd leave to go higher. But Nashi had a secret about that. Which she told Yuki.

<Editing Finished>

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