Chapter 12

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Nashi ran to the Fullbuster home. She climbed up to the window and went in.

"Storm.." She said as she looked around. She switched the light on. She looked at the bed and found nothing but a piece of paper.

'I'm going to the pond in the woods. So dont worry.'


She read it and climbed back out the window. She ran into the woods and towards the pond. But then she stopped when she heard laughter. She got closer and closer and found the pond. She saw Jillian and StormX in the pond. But she thought it was Storm. They then kissed and hugged as they got out. Nashi put her head down and ran into the woods.

"I should've known.." She said as she ran. But then she bumped into a tree and fell. She had been knocked out and laid there.

Storm had fallen asleep in the tree with leaves covering him. Jillian and StormX forgot about him and left. Storm and Nashi were fast asleep. Storm had fallen in the water and sank to the bottom. He didn't mind he thought it was really warm and nothing happened to him.

In the morning Juvia flooded the house. Natsu almost burned down the Fullbuster home when he found out Nashi came there last night. Storm and Nashi had been missing the whole night.

When Storm woke up everything was blue. He looked around realized he was in the water. He swam to the top.

"How did I not drown?" He said as he got up.

"NUUUU!!!" He yelled as he looked at his hands. He yelled so loud it made an echo. Natsu listened and ran out the Fullbuster house and into the woods.

As he ran he started cursing. But then he stopped when he bumped into someone.

"Ow!" Natsu said as he rubbed his forehead.

"WATCH WHERE YOU~ Oh Nashi! Where were you?!?! Your in big trouble miss!" He said as he looked at Nashi. Nashi had a blunt face she walked towards her dad and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry.. Dont worry I dont think I'll go anywhere anymore.." She said as her messy hair covered her eyes. Natsu then let go and started talking about how he might've done something he'd regret. Nashi just walked away and to the house.

Storm walked to his house and climbed through the window. Everyone was outside thinking about where he'd be they hadn't noticed him climb through. He slammed down on the bed. He wasn't cheered up at all. He fell asleep on his bed.

"Juvia calm down.." Gray said as they headed up to Storm room to see if he had left anything they missed. Juvia was crying as she walked up the stairs. Gray opened the door and looked at the bed.

"Juvia.." Gray whispered. Juvia was still crying and looked. She looked at the bed then ran and grabbed a pillow from the floor and started hitting him with it.

"GET OUT OF JUVIAS SONS BED!~Oh... Storm!" She said as she as she put the pillow down. Storm turned his head over. His face was pale and his eyes had a little purple under them.

"Are you okay?" Gray said as he went closer. Storm didn't say anything and turned his head.

"Gray-sama what's wrong with him?" Juvia whisper shouted.

"Let's just go.." Gray said as he pulled Juvia out. Juvia nodded and yelled.

"FELL BETTER JUVIAS SON!" And then the door shut.

[Editing Finished]

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