Chapter 18

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The next day everyone was talking about the dance coming up.

"Storm please go to the dance with me!" Nashi said as she was in the girls bathroom looking in the mirror. She repeated it over and over again.

"Calm down! He's gonna say yes! I promise." Gale said. Nashi looked at her. She inhaled then exhaled.

"I can do it." She said as she stood up straight. Gale smiled.

"Now go gettem!" Gale said to Nashi as she pushed her out. They walked around looking for Storm.

"No thanks.." They heard someone say while being surrounded by girls. They though it didn't matter so they just left that.

"Gale! Help!" They heard someone say from in the crowd. They took a closer look and found Storm and Igneel being surrounded. Nashi and Gale look for a moment and started laughing. But then they realized something.

"HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF THEM!" Gale said as she jumped up and tried to squeeze through all of them. Nashi ran through them.

"Move it come on! Get to class!" Nashi said as she went through. Then she fell. She didn't feel pain. She just felt softness. When she looked at what she fell on. She was laying on Storm. He looked at her while she blushed.

"STORM! GO TO THE DANCE WITH ME!" She yelled as she was still on top of him blushing harder. He looked at all the girls around and they all got quiet. Igneel smirked. Gale made it through and smiled. The girls watched with there cameras out.

"Sure." He says as he looked at her. Everyone sighed.

"Sure? Really?" Gale says as she had a confusing look as did all the girls.

"Dude its a yes or no!" Igneel said. Storm looked at Igneel then everyone else.

"Yes. I'll go to the dance with you." He says as a little coat of pink covers his face.

"KAWAII DESU!!!" Everyone besides Igneel said. All the girls then left with pictures. Storm was a bit confused as was Nashi.

"It was all a set up." Gale said with a smile. Storm and Nashi looked at each other then at them.

"So you just did this to get us to talk and go to the dance together?" Nashi said. Gale nodded. Igneel forced a smile.

"Anything to make you happy sis! Even if its with some stripper like this guy." He said mumbling the last part. She blushed as she realized she was still on top of Storm. She got off and sat next to him. He stood up and put a hand out to help her. She grabbed it and stood up with him. She looked up and tilted her head.

"Is it just me or have you gotten taller?" She said.

"I think I grew a couple inches. What am I that tall?!?!" He says. He looked down and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"I guess I forgot my book bag was under me." He says as he grabbed it. He jumped down.

"Well its not that different I guess I have grown." He says with a smile.

'Haven't seen a smile like that ever since before I told him to leave.'

Nashi thought as she frowned a bit then smiled.

"Well I'll see you guys later." Storm said as he walked. Nashi looked at him and ran after him. She walked besides him. He looked at her.

"What's up?" He said to her.

"Nothing. I just wanna go with you." She said with a small blush and a smile.

"Mh." He said with a little nod. He then went to the roof. She followed.

[Editing Finished]

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