Chapter 28

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They were at her shop. It was closed at that time because it was too early.

"Uhm. Is there a Storm Fullbuster?" She said as she didn't know who everyone was. Storm raised his hand.

"Well rose said to help everyone pick there clothes out since you were the one that gave them... Er... Magic powers?" She said as she had a weird look on her face. Storm nodded.

"Go look around and see if you find anything interesting. Make it flashy!" He said with a smile. Roses friend smiled a little nervously. She then sat behind the cash register. Storm went to go get something for himself. Then he then got an idea.

"GUYS!!" He said. They all ran to him. They stood in front of him while he stood on a stepping stool.

"I think we should do something like the suit and tie things but then like when we get into like an exciting part of a song were going to do. We turn off the lights and it glows in the dark!" He said. They all nodded and smiled.

"Suits and stuff are over there!" Roses friend said. They nodded and headed over.

Storm picked out a blue suit and tie with a black button up shirt and blue and black convers.

Nashi picked a pink skirt with a jacket to a suit and a white button up shirt. She had long white knee socks and pink and white high top convers.

Igneel picked a red suit with a white button up shirt. He wore red and white convers.

Gale wore a black skirt and suit jacket. She wore a gray button up shirt. She also wore gray high knee socks. She wore black convers.

Ryujin wore a black suit with a white shirt. He wore white and black Convers.

Silver wore a light blue suit with a black button up shirt. And black Convers.

Nova picked out a yellow skirt and suit jacket. She wore white Convers and a pin that had a lightning bolt on it in her hair.

Rin wore a lighter blue like his hair suit with a white shirt and blue Convers.

Sylvia wore basically the color Rin has with a skirt. High knee socks and high top Convers.

Aku wore a yellow suit with a black shirt and black Convers.

Storm snuck away and let Jillian and StormX out his head.

"Well finally I was getting cramped up in there." Jillian said as she dusted off. Storm Gave them both their outfits.

They were neon blue. Jillian's was basically same as Novas. And S.X was like Storms.

"Okay I let you guys chill out here." Storm said. Jillian smiled as she and S.X took a picture together. He didn't really smile maybe a little smirk but nothing more.

When the three of them walked to the others they were finished.

"Okay guys! That's it?" Roses friend asked. They all nodded.

"Okay well its for free. Oh and Rose said to~"

"Already did." Reiki said as he put Rose's outfit up. Roses friend was impressed.

"Good job." She said. Storm smiled.

"Thank you!" He said as he bowed. Roses friend smiled.

"No need for all that. Now hurry up. You guys do know you've been here for over 3 hours right.. You people have hard time looking for the right things." She said as she opened the door. The sun was setting. The groups eyes widened. They all ran home. Roses friend waved goodbye.

"Well I'll see ya all tomorrow!" Storm yelled as he ran with Sylvia and Rin hey all waved as they started departing to there own houses.

<Finish Editing>

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