Chapter 14

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Gale ran to Nashi while dragging Storm. Storm was eating an ice-pop and didn't care. It usually happens like this.

"He still loves you Nashi!!" Gale said as she had Storm behind her. Storm spit his ice-pop and turned around. Him and Nashi looked at each other.

"I am gonna go. The bells gonna ring soon." He says as he turns back around and walks away. Nashi nods and went the opposite way of him.

"What?! So you guys aren't gonna talk to each other?!? ಠ╭╮ಠ . I used half my energy for nothing?!?!" She said as she yelled to both of them. They just kept walking.

Instead of going to class Nashi went up to the roof. Where she found.

"Igneel?" She said as she tried to wipe away her watery eyes. He looked at her and gave off his toothy grin until he noticed something.

"Are you crying?" He said. She looked at him then shook her head and smiled while waving her hand up.

"Perfectly normal!" She said. He glared at her.

"Dont lie to me!" He said as he ran up to her and tickled her. She started laughed and fell to the ground.

"Ow.." She said as she rubbed her arm.

"I'm sorry sis! Now what's wrong?" He said as he went from a smile to a serious face. She sat down near the edge of the roof and sighed at she rubbed her arm.

"I saw Storm kiss Jillian.. But Gale says that it was StormX that kissed Jillian. But I am not sure because. He doesn't want to talk to me anymore.." She said as she looked over at everything. He put his arm around her as he sat.

"If you want I can help ya! You just need some else give him a taste of his own medicine!" Igneel said with an evil grin. She giggled.

"I can't do that. I guess I still like him.. But its kinda my fault.. I told him to leave and then I just went up and accused him of being the one who kissed Jillian..." She said as she looked down. Igneel shook his head.

"Just relax its not your fault you guys will end up being friends again. You just need some else right now.. Like for real why do you like Popsicle?!" He said. Nashi rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna go to class see ya!" She said as she ran to the door. As soon as she opened it he yelled.

"JUST CONSIDER WHAT I SAID!" She walked out thinking about it. Then she bumped into someone as she walked through the halls.

"Gome~" Said Nashi as she looked at the person. She then froze. StormX looked down at her. She looked away and continued walking.

"It's okay. No need to apologize." He said. Nashi stopped and turned around.

"Your actually talking to me... I thought you were mad at me." She said as she fiddled with her fingers thinking it's Storm.

"But we barley talk why would I be mad at you? I dont think we've met either." He says then he put a his hand out.

"Hi. I'm StormX!" He says with a tiny smile. She then stared at him.

'Storm is much shorter.. And his voice isn't that deep.. And.. His smell doesn't smell like this... Wait?!?! What am I talking about?!?! Smell?!?! >\\\\\<' She thought as she blushed red staring at him. He was a little freaked and pulled his hand away.

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