Chapter 09

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Storm woke up in the hospital with Nashi sleeping next to him hugging him. She looked like she was really sad. Storm got up Nashi was fast asleep and didn't notice that he got up. He walked out the room. From all the darkness he realized it was night time. He grabbed his phone. It was 2:30am he rubbed his eyes and tried to find the bathroom. He ended up rolling down the steps from the light being off. He was fine and got up. He walked with a little limp in his step. He finally found the bathroom. But he stopped at the entrance when he heard.

"Storm..." Nashi said as she stood a couple feet away from him.

"Nashi. What's wrong?" He says to her. Tears started coming up and she ran up to him and slapped him then hugged him.

"I was worried about you.. You can't just do that and act like nothing happened." She said as she hugged him. He was confused. Then remembered he had fallen back. He hugged her back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He says. She was calmed down and let go. He let go too.

"So is your head okay?" She asked. He nods.

"I think so." He says. She tapped the back of his head with two fingers.

"Ow!? What was that for?!" He asked as he tried to rub the back of his head but only added more pain.

"So your not okay." She says. He shrugs.

"Well I really need to use it so let's continue this afterwards." He says as he walks in practically doing the pee-pee dance she giggled and slides down the wall and waits slowly falling asleep. He came out feeling fresh.

He looked to the side and saw Nashi sleeping. He smiled and picked her up. She snuggled into him and snored lightly. He carried her up the steps and into the room. He set her down on the bed and laid next to her.

"What if~" Storm was thinking as he looked at Nashi. She was peacefully sleeping. The moon shined on her skin making her look fragile like a sparkling glass cup. He smiled and hugged her.

"I like you. Nashi." He says as he smiled. Little did he know who was listening. Nashi smiled as she put her arm around him.

"Me too." She mumbled in her sleep. His eyes widened. He blushed and sunk down into her hair. After a little while of thinking he fell asleep.

~In the morning~

The nurse bought Storm some food. Nashi went and got something from the vending machine. Storm was still thinking about what happened last night and didn't say anything to Nashi. She was the same except she was also thinking about a way to make him realize what she ment to him.

"Are you two okay? Your really quite." The nurse says. Storm didn't pay attention. Nashi shrugged with a little smile.

"Well you guys can go if you'd like." The nurse says as she walks out. Storm sat there now motionless. Nashi got up and got ready to leave. It was dead silent until.

"STORM!" Sylvia, Rin, Juvia, and Jillian yelled as they all ran in. Storm covered his ears. The yelling made his head hurt more.

"Juvia picked up your homework sweetheart." Juvia said. She held a paper and a book. Then Sylvia went up to Nashi and gave her hers.

"Oh yeah. I picked it up." Rin said as he handed Storm and form for sports.

"What's that for?" Nashi said as she became worried. He looked at her and smiled.

"Relax I'm either joining Volleyball or Basketball." He said to her.

"The basketball club is full. Why do you think Igneel, Ryujin, Reiki, and me aren't in it." Rin said. Storm looked at him with curiosity.

"You joining.... A club?" Storm said in curiosity. Rin went to go and smack him in the back of his head until Nashi grabbed his arm.

"That'll hurt him. The back of his head is still healing. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't wanna hurt your big brother." She said with a serious face looking at him. Rin sighed.

"Yeah I guess your right.. Fine." Rin got out of her grip and pinched Storm on the arm.

"I'm not that lazy.." Rin said as he pouted and looked away. Storm chuckled.

"Well I guess were going the Volleyball team." He says with a smile. He gets up and starts walking towards the door. Everyone else followed behind him.

((Notice: the sports thing has nothing to do with my Haikyuu obsession.

Maybe.. XD))

<Finish editing>

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