Chapter 10

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Its been a few days since the accident with Storm. His head is feeling better but its really fragile. Considering his old incident when he was little and now this. Juvia is worried the incident now might've effected his memory recovery. But she and everyone else had faith in him. Today is the day. Saturday. Nashi asked Storm if he wanted to hang out. Storm agreed and now the story continues.

"Look at this one!" Nashi said as she pointed to a movie.

"You wanna watch this one?" Storm asked as he looked at her. She thought then shook her head.

"I want to watch a good movie. Well... All movies are good sometimes.. I just want a movie is that would fit ya know." She says a little nervously. He shrugged.

"How about Jem?" She said as she looked at the board. He shrugged.

"Sure." He said. They got there tickets and went in. They watched the movie until the end. At the end all the girls in the theater awwed. The guys just watched not caring.

"That's so kawaii!" Nashi said to Storm as they walked out. Storm chuckled.

"All they did was kiss." He said. She nodded.

"That's why it was Kawaii! Kisses are cute especially in movies!" She said with a smile.

"Life is like a movie just without acting. Have you ever kissed anyone?" He said. She blushed.

"Well... You were my first kiss.." She said thinking about the accidental kiss they had. He thought and then his face went blunt.

"Oh yeah... My first kiss was supposed to be Jillian but it was you." He says with a smile.

'Did he like it?!' Nashi thought as she stared at him deep in thought. Storm then changed the subject and sat on the grass near the river and the bridge. Storm sat there with his feet in the water. Nashi was putting her hand in the water to play with the tadpoles. Storm then joined her. Then two little faces appeared in the river.

'Its me... And Nashi?' He thought as he stared at himself as a child look back at him. He looked at Nashi and noticed her reflection was doing the same thing as her. Until. He looked back at his reflection and saw them running around. But then a frog popped out of the river and jumped in his face.

"Wow!" Storm said as he took the frog and put it down. Nashi giggled.

"Nashi I think its time to go home." He said. She nodded and got up. They both walked to Nashi's house then Storm walked to his house. He was walking into his room. But then he slipped on one if his Mangas and fell. He was now facing under his bed. He opened his eyes and looked at the box.

"Huh?" He said as he was confused until he remembered that we got it from the attic. He grabbed it and opened it. Inside he found a sports jersey from when he was in kindergarten before he moved. He smiled as memories of it started coming back. He then pulled out a picture of everyone.

"Igneel. Gale. Reiki. Mum. Dad. Mr and Mrs Dragneel. Ryujin. Sylvia and Rin. Nova. Mr and Mrs Dreyar...." He stopped naming everyone and his eyes widened.

'Me and Nashi.' He thought as he saw him and Nashi in the picture hugging. Then something hit him but then his train of thought was lost when.

"Sto~ What's that." His dad Gray said as he entered the room.

"Dad.. Were me and Nashi close friends? Before we left?" He asked as he looked at the picture. Gray saw what he was looking at and smiled.

"Nope." He said with a smile. Storm was confused and looked at the picture and showed him.

"You guys weren't close friends because you guys were one of the youngest couples. She was your 'partner in crime'" He said with a smile and a chuckle. Storm looked at the picture.

"Here's another one." Gray says as he took out a picture of him and Nashi in the park sitting on a bench.

"Dad. I remember this." He said referring to another picture he picked up.

"hm?" Gray says as he looked.

"Me and Nashi.. We were.. We.." He focused on the picture then it all came back to him.

"Its okay son. You still need time to re~" gray tried to but then Storm stood up.

"I was 6 years old. Me and Nashi went to the festival together. You and mom were in the background when you guys took the picture.. And... When we saw you we put up peace signs but you said your camera wasn't working." He said with a smile and a chuckle. Gray checked Storm's temperature.

"You okay? Your all red!" Gray says. Storm looked at him and smiled with a couple tears coming down.

"I remember! I made a promise! I have to go!" He said with a smile and ran out the door. Gray stood at the front door watching him run to Nashi's house. Storm then stopped at her door. He looked at her window and the light was off. He sighed and didn't think her dad would let him in. So he climbed a tree and onto her roof to her window. He knocked and waited. He kept knocking until the light flicked on. Storm was on the side and took a peck it was..

'Uh oh..' He said as he saw Natsu. He jumped down and hide. Natsu looked out the window and climbed out and looked at the ground.

"Hm.. '-_-'" Natsu said as he went back in. Storm had jumped into the little pond in the backyard. When he saw that he left Storm got out soaking he took his shirt off and threw it back in. Then he climbed up again. This time Storm knocked on the wall and then the window. The light flicked on. Storm was getting ready to jump into the pond until.

"Storm? What are you doing up and why are you soaked?" Nashi said as she rubbed her eyes and looked at him. He smiled and went to her. He stopped in front of her.

"I'm here to see you!" He says then he kisses her on the cheek. She blushed and was shocked.

"Are you okay?" She says as she cover her blush with her hands. He smiles and went in.

"Nashi Layla Dragneel. I apologize for breaking the promise." He says as he looked down a bit.

<Finish editing>

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