Chapter 01

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Its been Ten years since Nashi and Storm had last saw each other. A lot of things have happened. It all became more complicated and different. It all shifted to the point no one would have saw coming.

"Nashi!" Gale said as she ran up to her with a smile.

"What?!" She said as she looked at her a bit surprised but smiled.

"I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!!" She said as she smiled and jumped up and down.

"Where is it?!!!" She said as she jumped up and down too.

"Meet me after school at the park." Gale said as she left. Nashi looked at her bluntly and nodded.

~Time Skip~

Nashi sat on the bench someone else was sitting there. She looked at the person. He was on his phone texting someone. She looked a bit. Then he looked at her they looked at each other for a sec and then he looked away. Nashi had a little flashback when he looked at her.

"Storm.." She said quietly. The guy looked up as he made eye contact with her.

"Do I know you?" He says as he raised an eyebrow. She was a little confused and shocked.

"Storm Fullbuster?" She said. He nods still confused on how she knew him.

"That's me. Now do I know you?" He says to her. She nods with a smile and a little tears in her eyes.

"Its me!" She said as she hugged his arm. He smacked her off and stood up.

"I dont know how you know me. But dont touch me." He says as he scooted away from her as she sat there with tears starting to come down. He looked at her and they looked at each other. She looked in his eyes. She saw nothing but coldness and confusion. Then in the background Gale came running.

"HEY SORRY IM LATE!" She yelled. They both look at her and stood up.

"Hey Gale." They both said. They looked at each other then Gale. She stopped and smiled.

"So are you happy to see ea-" She stopped when she saw tears on Nashi's face and Storms emotionless look.

"What's up with you two?" She asked confused on their different expressions.

"You know her?" Storm said as he pointed his thumb at Nashi. Nashi stayed quiet.

"Yeah. You know her. Ya know the girl you fell totally in llooooovvve with when you were little!" She said as she winked and smirked. Storms face didn't change at all.

"1. I'm not interested. 2. I dont even know her!" He said bluntly. Nashi felt like her whole world just crumbled.

"Not interested" She says quietly.

"Storm! What the hell?!" Gale said as she slapped him. Nashi looked down. Storm rubbed his cheek then looked at Nashi.

"What up with you?" He said to her raising an eyebrow.

"What's up with me... Really.." Nashi looked up at Storm with tears in her eyes.

"YOU PROMISED WE'D BE TOGETHER! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME! I LOVED YOU.." She said as she cried. She then ran away with anger and sadness.

"Way to go Olaf...." Gale said as she shook her head and ran after Nashi.

"What did I do?!" Storm said confused standing there unknown to what was going on.

+(That's it!!)+

<Finish Editing>

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