Chapter 19

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Storm sat down and looked out. Nashi sat with him. It was silent.

'Should I say something...'

Nashi thought as she looked out to the field.

"We might get in trouble for not being in class." Storm said as he chuckled a little. Nashi looked at him. He had a little smile with a little blush on his cheeks. Nashi opened her mouth a little then closed it.

"Mh.." She said with a nod. It fell silent again. Nashi thought about what she was gonna say.

"I guess its worth the risk.." Nashi said not knowing what to say. Storm took a side glance and smiled.

"Yeah. I guess it is." He said. Nashi hesitated while she put her head on her arm.

'I can't believe it.... HE HAS GROWN... I used to be able to~'

Her thoughts were cut off when she felt his arm go around her. She took little glance at him. He was looking away but with the sun that was bright you could see his blush. Nashi put her head a little bit down.

"I'm sorry." He said to her. She looked at him and he looked at her. She was a bit confused.

"I haven't been saying anything to you. When me and Igneel were hanging out. When we were walking to our houses. He told me to at least say hi. But I didn't. I just thought you would tell me to go. And then you.. Ya know with Aku. You do know he's a fresh mint with Sylvia right.." He said as he looked away a bit.

'He was jealous..'

She thought as she looked at him. She then looked away.

"I'm sorry too. Igneel told me to do that... He said to give you a taste of your own medicine.. I didn't know I was messing up a relationship. Especially Sylvia's.. She hasn't talked to me in a while." Nashi said as she grabbed onto his arm tightly. He rotated and wrapped his other arm around her.

"I will never forget you again. Did I ever tell you the story about the incident." He said as he looked at her, she shook her head.

"Well see........."

~Flash back~

"Storm! Rin! Dont go in there!" Sylvia said as she watched 6 year old Storm and 5 year old Rin run into a forest when they moved.

"They say this is a magical forest." Storm said as him and Rin walked in. Sylvia got scared and went with them.

"If we get in trouble it's not my fault." Sylvia said.

"Come on Sylv. The forest is in our backyard. It wouldn't hurt to check it out. Right!" Storm said walking in there. They went really deep into it and got lost.

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