Something One Directon Didn't Expect

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I was walking down the street to go home I had my pink Dallas SnapBack on with black leggings and my New York 89 t-shirt I have just been to my friends house because Saturdays are boring my mate listened to one direction all the time which is not strange because she loves them so I am walking down the street whist looking at twitter I saw that one direction has tweeted again I am a big fan I will admit but if I met them I am not going to scream and go "Oh MY GOD ITS ONE DIRECTION" because they are most likely to just walk away from you so there is no point

Anyway I was walking down the street looking at twitter and 2 people bump into me and I drop my phone SHOOT I thought I am not allowed another phone I looked up and there stood five boys "sorry about that" one of them said helping me up "its ok" I said I walked past them and started to walk home so I could explain to my dad about my phone this wasn't going to be easy


Me and niall just bumped into this girl by accident and her phone dropped to the floor niall helped her up and she picked up the broken pieces off her phone niall said sorry and she just said "its ok" no oh my god it's one direction no screaming no nothing I am really shocked I wonder how the boys feel she had medium sized hair she had greeny brown eyes and she was beautiful and I could see how niall looked at her I knew he liked her I need to talk to her for more than 3 seconds we have to do something "what can we do?" I asked the boys "about what?" Harry asked "about the girl" I said "look Liam she was just one girl on the street just leave it" Louis said "no I won't because she had something special she didn't scream at us or anything" I said "I think we should look into her" zayn and niall said "ok we will but if this goes no where me and Louis will do something fun (not illegal like go out somewhere) and you lot are paying for us" Harry said "fine" I said I picked up a piece of paper on the floor it said

Emily Walker

"Well I think we found are first clue" I said so we all walked in the direction of the address trying not to get spotted by the paparazzi we found her house it was a nice house


So Liam is the one wanting to go in search of her I was the one that liked her she was beautiful she had a pink SnapBack on that said Dallas on and she had leggings on and a New York 89 t-shirt on she was amazing if she was going to choose anyone it would be me so Liam went and knock at her door and she opened it we was all stood behind him "hey are you Emily walker?" he asked "yeah that's me do you wanna come in? she asked "yeah sure" Liam said we just stood there waiting for him "so are you lot going to Come in or do you wanna be spotted by the paparazzi?" she asked we all walked into her house and it was nice and cozy she must of lived here with someone

We walked into her living room and we all sat down and so did she "so what's up?" she asked "do you know who we are?" Liam asked "yeah your one direction" she said "so why are you not freaking out?" Harry asked "because I thought that if girls scream in your face you are more likely to walk away and because I do respect you lot enough not to scream at you" she said smiling her eyes sparkles when the light hit them


So this girl didn't want us to get spotted by the paparazzi she didn't want to scream at us and she respects us she is one cool girl "so who do you live with?" I asked "oh I live with my dad and my dog" she said "what type of dog have you got?" Louis asked "a boxer I will show you.... MOLLY" she shouts the dog comes trotting in she comes near us and she gets on the sofa on top of Liam and niall it was so funny we had to snap a pic for Instagram and twitter so we did and we posted them and loads of people liked them Liam and niall both petted the dog and then she got off it was so funny


"I just have to go somewhere excuse me on second" she said she walked out of the room and zayn noticed Emily had left her phone on the table I got up and put my number in Emily's phone I would text her later and tell her how I felt I hope she under stood


I saw Emily's phone on the table and I decided to put my number in she would get texted by me most of the time because I really so like her



One direction went home earlier and I am just going to bed now because I am tired my phone is working fine so I didn't get told off for it so I got in bed and I checked my phone to see if I had any texts I had 5 texts ....

Niall: goodnight beautiful it was brilliant to meet you do you wanna go for lunch tomorrow because I would love to <3

Liam: good night gorgeous it was amazing to meet you do you wanna meet tomorrow because it would be great to see you <3

Zayn: goodnight Emily I think Liam and Niall are texting you because they both liked you the minute they set eyes on you if you ever need to talk I am always here just give me a call or a text

Louis: goodnight it was good to meet you

Harry: good night nice to meet you your cool

Ok so I have just had 5 texts all from one direction how do I reply to them.

To Niall: thank you and sure I could love to join you for lunch good night :)

To Liam: thank you and ok I will meet you but before lunch because I have to go out some where at lunch

To zayn: same I will always be here for you if you ever need me and I will probley need you soon if Niall and Liam like me

To Louis: good night

To Harry: goodnight

I out my phone down and I went to sleep and suddenly I got a text not just one but 3 texts

Niall: ok I will come to your house at lunch time I am so happy I am going to see you good night

Liam: ok I will come to your house in the morning so excited to see you good night

Zayn: well I see you have texted Liam and niall because they are smiling there heads off I will be ringing you in the after noon because I can tell you are going out with both of them 2moro good night

I put my phone down and went to sleep I have to sleep ready for tomorrow

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