The Date

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me and niall walked off the bus and we walked around covernt garden and we went to look around the shops and niall brought me something and i opened it to see a heart in the box i looked at the heart "omg niall it is gorgous what's it for?" i asked "it reprecents my heart it is yours if you want it " niall said "niall of course i want it but the thing is what about liam he also wants to go on a date with me and i don't know what to do" i said "emily i will be here when ever to want me and if you want me take the heart and if you want to be mine come and tell me because i want you to be mine" niall said "awww thank you" i said i hugged niall and he lifted my chin up and kissed me i felt like a sergue of electricity shot threw me my skin started to tingle i had never felt like this before it felt really good . 

niall pulled away and he leaned his forehead against mine. niall put the neckalace on me and then we started to walk back to the bus and before we got on the bus niall kissed me again the feelings come back it felt amazing me and niall pulled away and me and niall walked on the bus "how was it?" zayn asked "really good thanks" i said i showed him the heart around my neck and i told zayn what niall said zayn thought it was sweet and cute i was happy tonight and so was niall. liam kept glaring at niall it was funny niall kept smiling at him after that i went into my room because i was so tired i watched the inbetweeners movie and i fell asleep half way threw it has been a really good day


it has been a great day i loved the date with emily i had to buy that heart for her because she means so much to me but i don't know what to do about liam because i know he likes her two but i know that whoever emily choses with be the right decision for her and she will love them i just hope its me because i really do like her liam has been glaring at me i just smile at him it makes him even more mad i think its really funny i decided to go and get some sleep ready for tomorrow because we have a concert and i don't want to be sleepy and plus i want to be awake to see emily today has just been amazing and i would have it happen all over again.

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