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so niall has proposed to Emily and I wanted to do that one day but Emily has lost all trust with me and I want her trust I am going to apogise about everything today I am going to take the photo and the information off twitter because it wasn't true and to reanne for hurting her. Emily and reanne was in the sitting area and I sat In front of them "Emily I just want to say I am really really truly sorry" I said "I am just really hurt that you did that to me" Emily said "I am really sorry I hurt you reanne" I said "it's ok Liam I wasn't really hurt" reanne said "Emily I have taken the photo and information down" I said "yeah but it has been retweeted and retweeted you don't have control of that photo anymore it could be anywhere on the internet" Emily said "I know and I am really sorry and I am going to tell the fans it was all fake and that I never ment to post that photo" I said "you was never ment to have that photo any way" I said "I know I was just sad that you had chousen niall" I said "ummm.... Liam I never said I had chousen anyone I forgive you but I am still a bit mad" Emily said "glad you forgive me" I said "good I just want to go back to normal" Emily said "same" I said me and Emily hugged and I went and sat down on the other sofa and I saw niall he said for me to come closer to him I walked up to him "have you said sorry?" he asked "yes I have said sorry I just want to be friends with her because she is such a nice girl" I said "good because if I hear her breaking her heart again because of you I will make sure you know about it" niall said getting a bit angry "well you have to keep her happy now you are marrying her and your only 20 hope your ready for this" I said "I am ready I am marrying the love of my life" niall said "and I will be there to support both of you" I said "thanks mate" he patted me in the back and walked off

I tweeted

@LiamPayne: ok guy so that photo and information I tweeted a few weeks ago was all fake Emily never wanted to take are money and also Emily didn't give me that photo I found it we all love her to pieces so no hate to Emily please :)

I got some fans tweeting me saying "why would you do that?" And some saying "its ok" I love the fans

That went better than I thought...

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