Finding Something By Accident

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so today me the rest of the boys emily and reanne leave to go on tour and I am doing my packing at the last minute emily pack last night and is all ready to go I am looking threw all the draws for stuff to take with me i am also making sure emily has packed everything she needs like all her chargers and things like that i am looking threw the draws on Emily's side of the bed and i open the top one and i see a pregnancy test right in front of me i lifted it up and i saw that the test had been done and it the result was POSITIVE... emily might be pregnant and she hasn't told me i don't want her to feel she is doing this alone if she is pregnant i finish packing my bag and i take my bags downstairs and into the hall way ready to go on the bus i walk back upstairs and i grab the test and i walk downstairs and i see emily sitting outside on her own. i open the door and i walk out quietly i go and sit next to her on the bench i pull out the test and put it in front of her "are you pregnant?" i asked she nodded slowly she got up and walked away i grabbed her wrist lightly and pulled her closer to me "why didn't you tell me?" i asked "because i didn't know if you wanted a baby" she said a tear rolled down her face i wiped it away with the pad of my thumb "emily of course i want a baby this is like the best news ever" i said i put my arms around her waist and lifted her up and spun her around "so your not mad?" she asked as i put her down on the floor "of course i'm not i will be with you every step of the way" i said "i love you so much" she said "i love you to and just think a little horan will be soooo cute" i said "i know just like you" she said i am so happy...


i just saw niall lift emily up and spin her around i can't hear what they are saying but i know niall is happy about something i shout to emily "EMILY CAN YOU DO ME A FAVOUR?" "WHAT?" she shouts back "COME AND HELP ME PACK I HAVE PACKED NOTHING" i shout "WHAT HARRY WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE HER PACK ANYTHING" emily shouts "WELL I SORT OF HAVEN'T PACK ANYTHING AS WELL" harry shouts "niall will you help harry pack please" emily said to niall "ok" niall said emily and niall go and pack mine and harry's bags for us i follow emily and niall upstairs and i ask emily "why did niall lift you up and spin you around?" "oh he is just happy to go on tour" emily said "where is the first stop" i asked "califonia" emily said "omg tyler Oakley and other youtubers might go to the concert" i said "we will have to wait and see" emily said....


reanne took her bag downstairs and i went to talk to harry and niall "harry, niall you can't tell anyone about the baby liam would freak reanne and Louis would stress me out and i am finding the right time to tell zayn" i said "ok we won't tell anyone" they said 10 months away from England but that means i could have the baby while we was on tour well this should be interesting........

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