The Holiday Shock Part 1

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I walked with my suitcase ready to spend a week with zayn in Bradford I have never been before and I can't wait I have seen the one direction this is us movie and I saw that he lives on his own and now I realise I don't need to watch it anymore because I know all of the boys I was going to spend one week with zayn and one week with niall in Ireland and to meet his family. reanne was going to spend two weeks with harry and Louis and liam might spend sometime together. I dragged my suitcase down the stairs of my house because my dad moved out and my lovely fiancé is in Ireland with his family now so I have no one to help me because zayn is still doing his hair. i put my suitcase in his car and i walk upstairs and grab zayn "what the hell are you doing Emily?" zayn asked "getting you in the car i want to get to Bradford today you know" i said "ok ok i am coming i have to get my bag with my hair stuff in" zayn said "ok quick hurry up" i said "ok let me run upstairs" zayn said "ok quick" i said zayn ran upstairs and grabbed his bag and then come back down with his bag and put it in the boot "lets go" i said zayn started to drive and i put my headphones in and turned my phone on and i put one direction on and listened to all my songs "what you listening to?" zayn asked "ummm..... nothing" i said smiling "tell me what you are listening to now" zayn said i took my headphones out my phone and pressed play one direction rock me blared out of my phone "oh so that's why you didn't want to tell me what you was listening to" zayn said "yeah its sort of embarrassing"i said "its ok" zayn said


so me and zayn have been on the road for a few hours now and we are apparently nearly there i think i am annoying zayn a bit but it's funny "are we nearly there yet?" i ask for the 5th time "emily i have told you 4 time already and this will be the 5th time of telling you we are nearly there go to sleep, read a book, turn on the radio or go on your phone just for 5 minutes stop asking that question you are starting to annoy me" zayn said "ok i will shut up" i said i am looking out the window and suddenly my eyes shut and i fall into a dressless sleep....


i feel someone shaking me "emily....emily wake up we are here now" the voice kept saying it was obviously zayn "emily i know you can hear me for god sakes wake up" zayn said "emily i will seriously take your phone and your ipod off you" zayn said i jumped up "yeah i'm up what's up" i said "oh my god you and niall are perfect for each other the annoying little jokes you two both say them" zayn said "ummm... i don't know what you mean" i said "just get out the car" zayn said i climbed out the car and walked into his house "nice house its nicer than mine" i said "thanks your room is upstairs 2nd door on your left shout me if you need anything" zayn says i think i am going to enjoy this week....


ok so i am spending two weeks with harry and i also promised to help niall and he is in ireland so i am going to skype him i open my laptop up and i turn it on "harry i am skyping niall ok?" i say "yeah thats fine" harry says smiling i click on skype and i see that niall is online so i click on his name and click video call he picks up straight away....

Reanne: hey niall how are you?

Niall: fine thanks have you heard anything off emily?

Reanne: no i am sure she is fine

Niall: i really need your help

Reanne: let me guess you want me to help you plan the wedding

Niall: yeah you did promise to help me 

Reanne: and i will what do you need help with

Niall: decorations, dress everything really

Reanne: niall look i will find the dress i will have some dear old friends of emilys and mines to help me with that and remember emily loves the colour purple

Niall: got it do you have detail for the dress?

Reanne: niall calm down i know what emily does and doesn't like

Niall: ok family though who do we invite of emily's family

Reanne: i know emilys auntie and uncle would come she would want some of her cousins there i know one she would want as a bridesmaid but her dad i know her dad would love to be there but it might be hard he moved to the channel islands and emily didn't want to move so he moved on his own so it might be hard to fly him out

Niall: ok i hope everything goes ok 

Reanne: it will don't worry

Niall: ok i got to go talk to you later bye

Reanne: ok bye

god niall is going to be hard to work with....


so i am spending sometime here and there i am going home to see my parents but also i might go and see how liams doing he needs a friend we are all his friend some more that others but we all like him its just that everything that has happened has made him sad so yeah i think i might go and see him also emily and niall are getting married and i wanna be best man zayn is emilys good friend if emilys dad can't come he can walk her down the isle i really wanna be best man though i hope they choose me and i also hope nothing goes wrong like liam saying anything at the wedding it will ruin emilys day and i don't want that got we have a lot to do and think about...


so i am going to go home and see my family but louis told me he might come and see me and i am good friends with louis after every thing thats happened louis has always been there but i still love emily and i can't hide that feeling forever i need to do something and i know reanne will be mad but who cares what reanne thinks she is not my mother and she doesn't control me so i will do what i want i will be glad to see my parents i just can get that dam girl out of my head i know she is spending a week with zayn and a week with niall but why not spend sometime with me i know why her ' fiance' won't let her god sake niall doesn't control her i hate it that he thinks he does but i want to be at the wedding. will i say something  at the wedding well that depends how i feel......

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