One Week In

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The house is a mess ,no one is up. Harry has been mothering the boys and reanne all week. Although non of them know how to clean up.


I wake up and see it is 9am I turn to see that reanne is still asleep. I nudge her "reanne its time to get up" I say "leave me alone please get the others up first" she said "fine just because I love you but if you don't get up in the next 10 minutes I will personally come and throw water on you" I said "fine i'm getting up" reanne moaned. I walk out of the bedroom and walk downstairs I walk into the kitchen to start breakfast. I Look around and see what a mess the house is in "wow we really need to clean up around here" I said to myself. reanne walks down stairs "i told you I would get up" reanne says sarcasticly "yeah yeah" I say reanne walks up stairs and all I hear is "BOYS IT TIME TO GET UP!" suddenly I hear someone shout "NO!" It was quite obvious that it was zayn I hear her open a door "ZAYN GET UP!" she shouts again "NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" he shouts back. suddenly I hear reanne walking down the stairs she comes into the kitchen and grabs a glass and fills it up with cold water "what are you doing?" I ask "going to get zayn up" she says she walks back upstairs and all I hear is a splash and a thud. suddenly liam walks down stairs "why are we up at 9am?" he asks in a sleepy voice "because we need to clean the house" I said "why do I have to help?" he asks "well your room needs cleaning I will clean downstairs and everything but you are cleaning your room" I said "i don't even know if my room is a mess" liam said "how don't you know" I asked "well Louis slept in my bed last night and I slept in Louis's" he said "why?" I asked "i don't know ask Louis" liam said. Louis and reanne walk down stairs at the same time "Louis why did liam sleep in your bed last night?" I asked "because we was drunk and I didn't even know what room I was in and liam certainly didn't" Louis said "ok then" I said 2 minutes later zayn comes down stairs "i see reanne got you up then" I said smiling "yeah but she wet my hair" zayn complained "well get up when I tell you then" reanne said zayn rolled his eyes "that is what emily would do" reanne said.....


"right time to start cleaning" I said rubbing my hands together "why?" they all moaned "just go and clean your rooms else niall will be the only one who gets nandos again" I said they all run upstairs and they start to clean I start to clean downstairs wow today is going to be a long day....



it is now night time and where one week in to are honeymoon and it's been amazing I decide to Skype reanne and see how the boys and her are getting on. I log into Skype and see that reanne is online I press video call and wait for her to answer so picks up the call...

Reanne: hey emily

Emily: hey reanne how are things?

Reanne: fine thanks

Emily: is the house clean?

Reanne: of course it is (lies)

Emily: what have the boys been eating?

Reanne: ummm... we had nandos last night and the night before....

Emily: why?

Reanne: harry couldn't be bothered to cook so liam went and got it last night and Louis went and got it the night before


Emily: niall I will get you some nando's went we get back

Reanne: and we won't go with out you again (lies)

Niall: thank god I thought that I was going to have to fly back just to go to nando's with you

Emily: well we better go reanne I will see you soon tell harry he's doing a good job and please keep the peace of and I know you threw water at zayn he text me and told me that he wasn't happy

Reanne: I was only doing what you would of done bye

Emily: bye

I end the call and go and sit with niall and lets just say that the rest of the night wasn't exactly boring.....

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