Liam Leaks Something On Twitter

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I wake up and I know today is the day I am going to tweet and leak the photo I wake up and I see that Emily is up. I just egnor her and I walk to Harry's bed and I see he's awake "Harry Harry get up I have to tell you something" I say "what the hell are talking about Liam?" Harry says "you have got to see this" I say Harry gets out of bed and looks at my phone "OH MY GOD IS THAT EMILY?" Harry asks "yeah I am going to leak it on twitter to see what happens I also have some information on her and I am going to tweet that two" I say "you do know Emily will go off her head" Harry said "so what?" I said "send me the photo" Harry said "ok" I will I said I send the photo to Harry and wait for a while...


I wake niall up and pull him out of bed "niall get up" I say "i'm up i'm up what's up?" niall says smiling "this is no time for jokes" I say "Harry tell me what's the matter?" niall asks i show niall the photo "OMG IS THAT?" Niall says "yes it is her" I say "have you told her?" Niall asks "no we are not going" I say "you have got to Skype her mate reanne" niall says "why?" I asked "because she is Emily's best friend and is always there and she needs to know because when Emily got knocked out I skyped her and told her" niall says "ok where's Emily's laptop?" I ask "ummmm.... over there" niall says "go and ask if you can use her laptop" I say "ok I'm going" niall says.

Niall walks up to Emily "Emily can I borrow you Laptop for twitter please my phone keeps crashing?" Niall say "ok just don't let Harry put anything on it" Emily says "I won't let him" Niall says niall walks back over to me and opens the laptop and starts up Skype and clicks on Emily's friends name and she answer straight away

Reanne: hey Emily hows it going

Harry: do I really look like Emily?


Harry: last time I checked I was

Reanne: why are you skypeing me?

Harry: I am telling you to come early for Emily

Reanne: why?

Harry: I'll tell you when you get here

Reanne: ok then

Harry: text me on this number don't ring anyone else especially Emily

Reanne: ok



My phone starts to ring

Reanne: hey I'm outside come and meet me can't park forever

Harry: why can't you park where the tour bus is?

Reanne: there are bouncers every where

Harry: ok I am coming

I put the phone down and I shout to Louis "I am going for some fresh air be back in 10" "no harry boo don't go" Louis shouts "DONT GET CAUGHT BY FANS" zayn shout "I have to go Louis I have some to think about" I shout "what is it?" Louis shouts "I'll tell you later" I shout back I walk around the back I talk to the bouncers and they let reanne park "come on reanne we have to get inside" I say "ok" reannes says I walk back down to the main dressing room and I walk in "hey guys" I say "HARRYBOO" Louis shouts "did you get caught?" zayn asks "no I didn't" I said I look around and every one is looking at me but Emily typical i sit down next to her "hey Emily I have a suprise for you" I say "what is it is it starbucks?" she asks "no" I say Emily looks sad "it's even better than that" I say "what Costa coffee?" she ask "no it is not coffee just go outside" I say "good because Niall would only drink my coffee and I won't go out side because last time you did that you locked me out of the dressing room" she said "I won't I promise just go outside!" I said "fine I better get a Starbucks after this" she says "you will" some one shout "am I hearing things or is Harry secretly a girl?" she asks "no your not hearing things just come outside" the voice says again

She opens the door so fast it bangs on the wall and looks around the coner to see reanne standing there "OH MY GOD"she screams "REANNE!!!!!!" she screams again "EMILY!!!" reanne screams "what are you doing here already?" Emily asks "I come to help Harry choose what to wear" reanne said "but Harry has stylists to do that and a code of what to where" Emily says "well Harry wants my opinion" reanne says Emily turns to me "did you know about this?" she asks "well.. yeah I skyped her" I said "NIALL why did you let him on my laptop?" she asks going up to niall "I was watching him he wasn't doing anything bad and he thought it would be nice to have you spend more time with her" Niall said Emily walks up to me and hugs me "thanks Harry for this" she says "it's ok" I say


I walk to Harry's dressing room and I knock "come in" Harry shout I walk in and see a girl with him "hi I'm reanne Emily's best friend" she says "obviously I'm Liam" I say "I know I am a massive fan" she says "thanks" I say "Harry can I have a word with you?" I ask "yeah sure" Harry says reanne walks out the room and I pull me phone out "Harry I'm ready to leak it the information and the photo" I says "don't do you will only ruin your relationship with her" Harry say "you right but i don't care anymore" I say I put my finger on the tweet button and the tweet is sent wonder what every one will say.....


I walk to nialls dressing room thinking Emily would be there I know "come in" niall shout I look around and there is no Emily she must be with zayn "niall can I borrow you phone to go on twitter please?" I asked "what for?" niall asks "If you care about Emily you will trust me and let me" I say "ok show me though" niall says he hands me his phone and I go on twitter and look for Liam's tweet I found there has been loads of retweets already. I walk towards Harry's dressing room knowing Liam will still be in there I don't knock I just walk in I see Liam and pull him down by his t-shirt I go to slap him and Harry pulls me away and tell me "wait till after if you don't people will catch on that someone has hurt him" he takes me out of the room "just stay away from Liam and promise me you won't slap him till after" he says "I promise" I say Harry walks back and I go to talk to Liam "why did you do that?" I ask in a calm manner "I just posted a little photo to get my revenge" he says "what do you need revenge for?" I ask "she chouse niall over me" he said "she hasn't chousen anyone Liam she told me that herself" I said I start to tear up and I walk out I walk to Harry's dressing room and Liam follows me and I hug Harry and he looks at Liam as if to say "what have you done?" Liam looks back as if to say "I haven't done anything" "what's up reanne?" Harry asks "I am just stressed about everything me and Emily have got exams results coming and I just wanted this week to be perfect for us we have been looking forward to seeing each other for ages and Emily has been threw a lot" I say I look at Liam and say "don't worry it's not just you don't worry to much just leave me and Harry alone for a bit" I say Liam's nods and walks out the room


I was in zayns dressing room asleep and niall come in and woke me up "get ready for the show Emily" he says "ok give me a minute" I say I walk to nialls dressing room knowing my clothes are in there "I'll give you a minute" niall says he walks out and I get dressed in my purple jeans and my blue top with my leather jacket and combat boots "come back in niall" i shout he comes in and says "wow you look good" "thanks I need to do my hair" I say I curl my hair and I put my head band on he gets dressed and we both sit down "do you know what we haven't done here?" he asks "well I guess we haven't looked for segways yet" I say "well let's go" niall say he drags me around the arena and we see a bunch of segways "come on Emily please can we go on them" niall asks "yeah sure" I say me and niall both get on the segways and we line up in one of the corridors "well let's race to the other side of the arena" niall says "ok your on" I say I count down from three "3....2.....1 go" I shout me and niall race to the other side of the arena threw the back stage every one starts shouting at us then we see reanne and Harry "EMILY YOU BETTER BE RECORDING THIS" reanne shouts "I CANT I HAVE TO BEAT NIALL" I shout me and niall get to the other end of the arena and I win. we then we got back to the other side and we put the segways back and it is time for the boys to go on stage I pull Liam back and say "I forgive you" "you don't know what your talking about" he says "what do you mean?" I ask he goes on stage I turn to reanne and she shakes her head I just shake it off it probably didn't mean anything anyway.

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