The Convosation....

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Reanne and the boys are playing football outside since we have parked the tour bus. I shout her in, she comes running in "sit down i need to talk to you" i said calmly "if its about Louis can we talk about this later" Reanne said "it's not about that can you just sit your arse down please" i said "alright fine" Reanne complains "do you remember when you found out I was pregnant?" I asked "yeah....." Reanne said really confused "well i was thinking about it and i was going to tell you but i didn't know how" i said "oh it doesn't matter" Reanne said "there is something else as well" i said "is it all about the baby stuff because i told you i have it all sorted" she said "no do you remember when i was in a coma?" i asked "yeah...." Reanne said "i could hear you but when i was asleep i had a dream that the baby looked like Liam" i said "hold on hold on i just need to tell the boys there show starts in a minute" Reanne said she got up and walked away. Minutes later she came back "all sorted" she said. We both walk off the bus and go back stage, we check the boys are ready and look okay then they go on just as they do we hear loads of screems.


Reanne walks up to me "so what did you want to tell me?" she asks "you know how i said about the baby looking like Liam" i said "yeah?" Reanne said "well what if it does look like Liam?" i ask "don't worry that probably won't happen" she said "what if it does?" i ask starting to panic i feel my chest tighten am i having a panic attack? i haven't had one in years. It started to get worse and i feel myself calm down. But then i get a big pain in my chest and i can't breath....


Emily is panicking and i don't know what to do? she can't breath i send a tweet to Harry hoping it will be shown on stage....


Oh god i hope that gets to them........


One Direction are currently reading out tweets that fans have sent in like.....

@MARRYMEHARREH: Who is the best street dancer? to prove it please demonstate

Then the next tweet is read out after they all start street dancing...

@NiallLover12: Any news on Reanne and Harry's Relationship?

"As you may know the last time this was mentioned was the first time i met her but now she is the love of my life and i never want to lose her" Harry ends his speech and the crowd goes 'awwwwwww' but then the next tweet comes up on the screen and Harrys face drops and he pulls out his phone and see he has a text from her. The crowd is going wild because it is from his girlfriend Reanne.....


"Speaking of the devil" i say into the microphone as i see i have a text from Reanne "its her isn't it?" Zayn asks "yep" i say the crowd starts screeming "who wants me to read what she said?" i ask the crowd, the crowd shouted "yeah" so i opened up the text "ok so...." i say getting it up "she said help me help me Emily has had a panic attack i don't know what to do help me!" i say "what?" Niall says in a confused mannor i hear people in the crowd say "oh my god" and "oh no" i decide to text her back....

Harry: its ok take her to the hospital and we will all be there after the show x

We hear in our ear peaces that we have to cut the show short "sorry guys tonight is going to be shorter because we have to go somewhere" i said sadly into the microphone "but if you all tweet us we will try and follow as many of you as we can" Zayn said into his microphone suddenly the whole crowd gets there phones out


We finally get off stage and Niall is running around like a headless chicken "NIALL CALM DOWN!" I shout "stop running around it will be fine and we will go to the hospital in a minute" Liam said "the you think there could be complication?" Niall asks "i don't know mate" Louis said patting him on the back


We finally get to hospital. We find Emily's room and we quietly go in we see Emily is asleep on the bed and Niall runs to her side like a shot. i see Reanne start to tear up "i didn't know what to do..... i am worried about the baby" She said i pull her into a hug and say "its fine". The nurse walks in "we have some news about the baby" she said "there will no complication but the babies heart beat spread up rapidly and Emily has been dignosed with anxiety" the nurse continues "you are free to leave today with Emily as soon as she wakes up but she need as much rest as she can as she can now get anxiety attacks more often" The nurse said "ok thank you" Niall says


Emily wakes up......


I see Emily's eyes flutter open she is finally away, she looks at me and says "what's happened?" "you had a panic attack, nothings wrong with the baby but now you need to be more lazy than you already are" Reanne said "your free to leave so get your stuff ready because i wanna go home" Zayn said "hurry up we have things to do when we get back" Louis says "DON'T RUSH HER" i growl.....

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