Waking Niall and Liam up

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i wake up and i still feel a bit ill and i know zayn would never forgive me if i didn't get him or one of the other boys up. i turned to look at my phone the time read....  8:00am ugghhh i could probabley wake niall up. i walked out of bed and down the hall we to where the boys beds where i pulled back nialls curtian "niall wake up" i said "uggghh...." niall moaned "niall wake up please" i said "emily.... whats the matter?" he asked "i don't feel well and i didn't know what to do" i said "come on then lets sort you out" he said getting up he kissed the top of my head "go and lay down on the sofa and i will bring you a glass of water" he said he put some jogging bottoms on and they hug low on his waist. i walked to the sitting area and i layed down niall walked threw with a glass of water he handed it to me.

"drink this it will make you feel better" niall said "ok" i said niall sat down where my feet was and i put my feet on his lap "what do you want to talk about?" i asked "lets talk about you" niall said niall twisted round and he interwinded his legs with mine "ok what do you want to know?" i asked "just some basic facts about you" he said "well i will give you a list of facts" i said i listed some facts...

1. my favourtie colour is purple

2. one of my favourite bands is one direction but i love JLS (even though they broke up) and union j

3. my mum died back in 2010

4. i can write with both hands

5. i love animals

"wow interesting and i am sorry about your mum" niall said "its fine so what else do you wanna know" i asked "what did you used to do as a kid?" he asked "well i used to go round to my cousins and we did like spa's sort thing hair make-up masarges everything it was really good and i went to my nana's a lot and i got to see my other cousins that was fun" i said "so you have experianced a masarges before" niall asked "yeah my cousin used to i am always stressed out so she gave me a load of masarges" i said "well you will have to let me give you one later then" niall said "ok i will take you up on your offer later" i said suddenly all the other boys got up "morning" they all said all wearing just jogging bottoms and harry and louis wearing t-shirts zayn and niall wasn't "isn't liam up?" i asked "no not yet" zayn said "i will get him up later" i said "oh emily i forgot to tell you you have to skype reanne today" niall said "and how do you know?" i asked "because i skyped her and told her that you was hurt and she said if there is anything wrong with you she will personally come down here and kill me and liam" he said "thanks for telling her niall" i said "its ok" niall said. niall come closer to me "and you should really get a password on your laptop if louis or harry gets hold of it you never know what they might put on there" he whispered in my ear "yeah i will put one on now" i said 

i grabbed my laptop and and i started it up and i put a password on it "niall, zayn come here please" i said they come closer to me "my password is mollywalker123" i whispered "ok thanks for telling us" they said "it does not mean you can go on my laptop whenever you like" i said "we won't" they said "ok" i said. i clicked on skype and i saw that reanne was logged on as always i clicked on video call and she answer straight away....


Reanne: hey emily how are you?

Emily: fine thanks just got a headache and i feel a bit dizzy and sick

Reanne: ok.... niall and liam will be saved

Niall: thanks

Emily: liam's not up yet

Niall: emily do you wanna play on the wii?

Emily: yeah you choose they game

Reanne: why is he not up yet?

Emily: don't know but i will get him up soon

Reanne: ok what are you doing today?

Emily: don't know because we are going to manchester so yeah

Reanne: well we will skype for a bit

Emily: yeah..... OMG niall you have chousen a game i can so beat you at

Reanne: oh my god niall you chouse mario kart didn't you

Niall: yeah why

Reanne: she is so competative at it 

Emily: and i will beat you

Niall: we will see about that

Emily: what time is it

Niall: i can't see because we are driving

Emily: that is why i am asking

Reanne: it is 11:15am

Emily: right i better get liam up

Reanne and the rest of the boys: oh god....





Emily: not for long you won't be

i pause mario kart and go to liam's bed i pull the curtains out the way. the rest of the boys are standing there watching me i kiss liam's cheek and he opens his eyes and i pull him out of bed and he lands with on the floor a thud "OUCH!" liam shouts "well you should of got up when i told you" i said "are all of them shirtless?" reanne asks "no its just zayn, niall and liam that haven't got shirts on" i said "ok" reanne said we all walked to the sitting area and me and niall carryed on are game of mario kart 

Reanne: whos winning?

Emily: me i am

Reanne: oh god

Emily: what?

Reanne: nothing they don't know what you get like when you win something

Emily: i know because i haven't told them

Reanne: boys if she wins she will be so happy she won't stop smiling all day

Emily: i will just when i have had enough of smiling

Niall: i think its cute when emily smiles

Louis and Harry: niall...... gross

Reanne: lol

Emily: final lap

Niall: emily come here

i go closer to niall "if you win i will give you that masarge after this game" niall said "ok deal and if you win i will take you to nandos" i said "ok deal" he said we was coming up to the finishing line and niall was way behind and i sped across the line

Emily: i win !

Reanne: yay can you stop playing now because you will only argue if you play again

Emily: oh don't worry we are

Reanne: good

Emily: i got to go reanne i will talk to you later

Reanne: ok then bye

Emily: bye

i ended the call and i put my laptop away and i walked to my bedroom and niall followed me he walked to the bathroom and got something out of the cupboard and we both walked into my room

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