The Big Day

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Omg I am freaking out because Emily is coming on tour with us and I am so nervous and I am going to ask her on a date while we are on tour and I am worried what if she says no what if she laughs at me what if Liam beats me to it oh I don't know what to do


Oh my gosh emily is coming on tour with us I am going to win her over but I know Niall wants her to be his two but I want her to be mine and I will get her one way or another


So we are all meeting at zayns house so we can all get on the bus I can't wait I have never been around the world and I can't wait it will be so exciting and I have everything I need and more because me and zayn went shopping I drove to zayns house and waited with him for every one to arrive one by one they come and they have quite a few suit cases zayn has at least 2 and the boys just have big suitcase I have one suitcase and my back pack any way I drag my things onto the bus and oh my god the bus is big there was a big tv with game stations like Xbox and play station and wii then there was 6 beds stacked on one another with curtains to pull across for privacy when your sleeping then there was a kitchen and a bathroom with a shower and a sitting area

"So what do you think to the bus?" zayn asked "its amazing" I said "do you want us to show you where you are sleeping ?" Niall and Liam asked they both glared at each other "I will show Emily her room" zayn said pushing them out the way "idiots" zayn whispered to me I giggled me and zayn walked to the end of the bus and there was a door and he opened it to revel a bedroom it was beautiful it had loads of wardrobes and so much space there was a big mirror and everything it was amazing zayn walked in and moved something out the way and it revealed a tv "omg zayn this bus is amazing" I said jumping onto the bed zayn jumped onto the bed to "do you know what this means?" I asked zayn "movie night?" zayn said "movie night" I said "I heard movie night" Louis said popping his head around the door "sorry me and Emily only" zayn said "oh ok" Louis said looking down "Louis I will have a movie night another night with you I promise" I said "ok" he said skipping down the bus "well he is easy to please" I said "yeah he is" zayn said zayn went out of the room and I went to get my suitcase and backpack and I started to unpack when i felt two arms go around my waist "hey babe" a thick Irish accent said "hey what are you doing?" i asked "just seeing my baby girl" Niall said " awww thanks well I am unpacking but come and see me later ok?" I said "ok" Niall said he kissed my cheek and walked out I was in the middle of unpacking again and two more arms wrapped around me "hey gorgeous" he said I turned around to see Liam "hey what are to doing?" I asked "just come to see my girl" he said "ok well I am in the middle of unpacking I will see you later ok?" I said "ok" he kissed my other cheek and walked out why have they both done that


I saw niall come out of Emily's room so I thought I would go and see Emily see how she is see what's she's doing I walked in to see her unpacking she was just about to put some clothes in a draw when i wrapped my arms around her she is just amazing she said she would see me later because she was busy which I was fine with so I walked out and when I walked into the sitting area zayn rolled his eyes and niall have me and glare and I glared back and smirked this is going to be a long and funny year


I walked out of Emily's room because she was busy but I understood her that she was unpacking to get it out the way so I walked out of her room and zayn rolled his eyes at me and Liam glared at me and I glared back at him and smirked this is going to be a funny and long year


So both those idiots have been in Emily's room and they have probably annoyed her I am going to see how she is I knocked at her door "come in" she said I walked in and she was done packing i sat down on the bed with her "so i hear those two idiots have been in here" I said "yeah they was sweet but I don't know what to do I know they are in competition with each other for my love but I don't know who I love" Emily said "you don't need to choose yet I promise you if they annoy you please tell me I will sort them out" I said "ok zayn so are we starting the movie night early?" she asked "yeah let me change into my pj's" I said I went and changed into my pj's and I went back to Emily's room and we watched films for the rest of the night.

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