Todays The Day

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So today is Emily and nialls wedding and I am really worried i am in a room with Harry and we are talking "what do you think Liam is going to do?" I ask "I don't know we will be there for Emily though" Harry said "of course" I said suddenly the girls walk in (Emily's 2 cousins and Robyn and Kirsty) one of Emily's cousins starts moaning "I don't want to wear this ugly dress" she said "you have to wear it" I said "no I don't I am not doing this job anymore forget this" she said storming out "omg Harry I am a bridesmaid down what am I going to do" I said suddenly zayn and a girl walked in "hey guys" zayn said holding the girls hand "this is my girlfriend perrie" zayn said "hi" perrie said "oh as in perrie Edwards from little mix" I said "yeah that's me the little mix girls are outside" perrie said "perrie I know this is a big ask and you don't know us much yet but I know Emily loves little mix will you please please please be one of are bridesmaids Emily's cousin has walked out" I pleaded "ummmm...... ok" perrie said "ok girls you need to get dressed the stylist will be in soon Kirsty help kacey will you (Emily's little cousin)?" I said "yeah sure" Kirsty replied "out boys now" I said shoeing them out if the door I walk out with them

I walk up to Emily's door and knock "come in" she shouts I walk in and I see Emily is having her hair done "when can I see the dress?" she asks "not yet and ask me again and there will be no groom for you to marry" I said joking "you wouldn't hurt my little nialler would you?" she asked "maybe...." I said "can I have the dress now I am done with hair and make- up" she said "ok then" I said I walk to the wardrobe and I pull out Emily's dress and shoes I unzip the bag to find a white dress that comes out at the waist like a princess dress she looks at it "OMG reanne it's beautiful" she said "i know now put it on" I said. she went to the bathroom and put the dress on....


Emily walks out with the dress on (A/N DRESS ON THE SIDE--------->) she puts the shoes on "omg Emily you look amazing" I said "thanks reanne" she said "come here" I said she come time and I put her vail in her hair and she had a tiara in the front of her hair we decide where ready and we walk out into the hall and we see zayn and Harry and the rest of the girls "OH....MY.....GOD" zayn said "Emily looks like a princess" a now 8 year old kacey says "shall we go" zayn says linking arms with Emily and one with perrie god I hope everything goes ok....


So we get in the limousines and we drive to the church and I get out and me and zayn start to walk up to the church reanne and the rest of them are behind me I get to the doors and reanne and Harry go inside and we hear the music. me and zayn start to walk down the isle (he is walking me down the isle because my dad couldn't come) we get down to niall and kacey has been walking down throwing petals and the other girls looked so good they went and sat down and it was just me and niall the preist started to talk he comes to the one question that everyone hopes no one says anything for "if anyone has any objections to this marriage speak now or forever hold your piece" suddenly I hear "I OBJECT" I turned around to see Liam standing up...

HARRYS POV ( before Liam said anything)

"You know he is going to say something" reanne says "I know" I said "Liam please don't do it" I say "I can do what I want" Liam said "Liam please sit down" I pleaded "Harry do I look like a dog" Liam said suddenly we heard "if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your piece" suddenly Liam got up "I OBJECT" he shouts "why couldn't you be gay?" I asked myself


"You can't marry him Emily" Liam said "why can't i?" I asked with a tear rolling down my face "because I love you and I can give you more than him" Liam said I started to cry more niall walks up to Liam "I TOLD YOU THAT IF SHE STARTED CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU ONCE MORE YOU WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT AND NOW YOU WILL" niall shouts. Liam and niall start fighting I run out of the church and say on a bench near by....

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