Shocks, Screaming And Slams

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I walked into Emily's room and she was sitting on her bed "are you ready?" i asked "yeah i am what do i need to do?" she asked "you need to lay down on your stomach and is it ok if you take your top off?" i asked "ummm.... yeah i guess why?" she asked "so i can put the oil on your back" i said "ok that's fine by me" she said so she took her top off and layed down oh how tempted i was to undo her bra but i was not going to. I put the oil on my hands and i put my hands on her back "oh my god niall" she said "whats the matter? i asked "its cold" she said "oh ok" i said laughing i rubbed my thumbs in her back and she moaned "ugghhhh..." "do you like that?" i asked "yeah" she said whispering "what did you say i didn't hear that" i said "yeah niall i do its relaxing" she said "good" i said

i moved my way down her back and she kept moaning the dirty part of my mind was telling me that it sounded like me and her was having sex and people who couldn't see what i was doing would probabley think that to like the boys out there but i will tell them later i might play a prank on liam and tell him that we did just to piss him off i will tell Emily after i have finished. "oh my god niall it feels so nice" Emily explained "good glad you are liking it" i  said i come to the bottom of her back i dug my knuckles in the bottom of her back she moaned a bit louder "jesus Christ niall" " i can tell you are liking this because if you didn't you would be telling me to stop" i said "yeah i would be but i like it" she said i finished with her back "get up please" i said she got up and sat down on her bed i got behind her and i rubbed her shoulders "wow Emily you are really tense" i said " i know i am just a bit stressed out at the miniute" she said "why babe?" i asked "well the thing between you me and liam i am worried if i choose someone i will break the band apart and then every one will blame me for the break up of one direction and i would feel really bad then and i would get so much hate not like i don't get hate already because i do because i am on tour with one direction but i don't mind that i am just stressed about it" she said "don't get stressed about it babe because me and liam aren't because we are being patient and we will accept and decition that you have and we will not blame you and we will not be mad and that is coming from me and liam" i said "thanks niall" she said. i let go of her shoulders and she put her top back on.

"you do know it sounded like we was having sex with you moaning all the time" i said "Niall James Horan you have such a dirty mind" she said "thanks but we could pull a prank on the boys and make out that we did" i said "yeah but i would want to tell zayn" she said "well lets pull a prank on liam then we will text the boys and tell them its a prank but liam" i said "ok if anything goes wrong i am blaming you" she said "ok i will take the blame" i said "mess your hair up a bit" i said "ok" she said she took her hair down and it fell into really messy ringlets "is this ok?" she said "yeah perfect i will go out first them you come out" i said "ok" she said we quickly text harry Louis and zayn saying....

To Zayn, Louis and harry: me and emily are going to pretend that we had sex please play along and don't tell liam we are playing a prank on him it was all my idea so yeah please play along - Niall

i walked out and the boys all looked shocked and there jaws dropped you could tell that Louis harry and zayn where playing along with us....


niall walked out with really messy hair what the hell happened in there we all heard Emily moaning and niall talking to her but anything could of happened. two minutes later Emily walked out with her hair in really messy ringlets niall walked mast me and smirked "did you use protection?" Louis asked "i don't kiss and tell" niall said Emily laughed "you two didn't did you?" zayn asked "what's with all the questions?" niall asked "you both come out with messy hair and Emily moaned a lot and we are just being careful of Emily because we can't have another little horan running around here" Louis said Emily and niall start laughing after they stop laughing Emily walked to the kitchen and i followed her...

she was getting a drink when i walked in and stood at the door way "what the hell was that down there?" i asked "a joke" she said smiling "Emily you had sex with niall it is not a joke" i said seriously "liam chill out i didn't have sex with niall it was a joke niall was giving me a masarge" she said "i don't believe you" i said "liam i am tell you the truth i did not have sex with niall ok?" she said "no because you are always with niall and it is not fair on me" i said "that is because niall is making the effort to spend time with me next you will be telling me that i am dating zayn" she said getting serious "you probabley will because i won't get a chance with you" i said she stormed out of the kitchen and walked away "that's it walk away make me seem like the bad guy when the only bad guy is niall" i said "YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SICK TO FUCKING DEATH OF THIS JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE" she shouts "WHAT THE HELL DON'T WALK AWAY FROM THIS CONVOSATION" i shout "WELL TUFF SHIT I AM WALKING AWAY JUST FUCK OFF LIAM" she shouted she walks down to her bedroom "RUNNING AWAY FROM THE PROBLEM I SEE" i shout "YEAH I AM BECAUSE I AM FUCKING STRESSED AND WORRIED ABOUT ALL OF THIS SO JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE" she shouts suddenly there is one big bang we all turn around to see Emily has gone

she obviously slammed her door when she went into her room niall and zayn walked down the hall to Emily's room and we was all quiet me and the other boys moved towards Emily's room you could hear a silent sobbing zayn knocked "Emily can i come in?" he asked "no zayn not at the minute please leave me alone" she said "oh ok" zayn become sad niall knocked "Emily please let me in" niall said "no i just want to be on my own" she said niall wasn't sad he was angry he walked up to me and grabbed me by my shirt "YOU HAVE DONE THIS TO EMILY WE WAS ONLY HAVING A JOKE SHE WAS STRESSED OUT ENOUGH AS IT IS AND I WAS TRYING TO GET HER TO HAVE FUN  BUT NO YOU RUINED IT THANKS A LOT LIAM" he shouts he walks away and went to the sitting area and went on his phone every one followed him and sat with him i went and sat on the far end of the other sofa what have i done......

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