Come Home

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today is the day that emily and niall are coming home nothing is ready no one's up believe it or not I am the first one awake. I get harry up and he goes and make breakfast I walk downstairs and sit down on the sofa I decide to shout up to the boys "BOYS IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" liam slowly walks down the stairs "why are we up early today then?" he asks "emily and niall are coming home today" I say suddenly liam runs upstairs and shouts "BOYS GET UP EMILY AND NIALL ARE COMING HOME TODAY!" I hear a lot of doors closing and I see that all the boys are walking down the stairs "wow that was quick" I said "well emily and niall coming home is something to get up for" zayn said "right so you lot need to clean your rooms and harry and me will clean downstairs and if you need any help shout me but that doesn't mean I will do it for you and its not like emily will see you rooms it's just that she saw the mess on Skype" I said they all go and clean there rooms and suddenly the all come down stairs "FINISHED" they shout "well now you can have breakfast" I said we all go into the kitchen and eat breakfast. we all finish breakfast and the boys help clean downstairs within an hour downstairs is clean. "go and get some clothes on because your still in your pjamas and that doesn't mean you can come down shirtless" I said " I don't have anything to wear" liam complains "have you seen the size of your wardrobe and you have some many clothes you have more than me" I said "i have nothing that emily will like" liam complains again "liam do you want me to come and personally choose an outfit for you?" I ask "yes please" he says I walk up the stairs and walk into his room and choose the first thing I see and luckly it all matches "thanks reanne" liam says I go and get dressed and I walk out to see that zayn is the first one to be ready for once  my jaw completely drops. I go and walk down the stairs and see zayn in the living room "nice to see your the first one ready for once" I said "thanks" zayn said the rest of the boys come downstairs and come into the living room and now we just wait for them to come home...


me and niall have just landed in the uk and we are now in the limo being driven home I feel really sick it might of been something I ate yesterday but I feel like I want to be sick.....


we finally arrive home and I am feeling worse than what I was when we first landed me and niall walked into the house and we was attacked with hugs me and niall was pulled into the living room and I noticed harry wasn't there. I had this sudden urge that I needed to be sick so I ran upstairs into mine and nialls bedroom and I just made it to the bathroom in time to be sick. I heard someone walk in and hold my hair back I turn around to see harry "are you ok emily?" harry asked "i don't know harry" I said "do you think your" harry said not wanting to finish his sentence "i don't know harry I might be" I said " we should go and get a test" harry said "ok then" I cleaned myself up and the bathroom and me and harry walked downstairs and went into the living room "me and emily are going to get some food" harry said "ok" the boys and reanne said niall kissed me "love you" he said "love you to" I said me and harry went and got in the car and we drove to a chemist and went and brought a pregnancy test. we also had to go to Tesco and buy some food. we drove home and me and harry took the bags in and put them in the kitchen "there is some food bags to unpack and I brought some sweets" I shout threw to the living room the all get up and go and unpack some of the bags I walk upstairs and I go into mine and niall's room and I hear someone come in I look to see harry "are you going to do the test?" he asked "yes" I said I walk into the bathroom and leave him on the bed I do the test and then I walk out and I wait 3 minutes for the test to calculate...


I walk into the bathroom and look at the test it has two bars on it which means I am pregnant. I walk put and harry looks up "are you?" he asks I nod my head very slowly "don't tell niall, reanne or the boys please" I said "why?" harry asked "because I don't want them to find out yet they will find out when it is more noticeable" I said "ok emily know I am here for you if you ever need me I am here for you" harry says hugging me "thanks harry" I say he walks out the room and I put the test in a draw next to my side of the bed I don't know how to feel I mean I am happy but I wonder what niall will think......

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