Liam's Finds Out

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I woke up this morning remembering what happened last night. I brushed my hair and tied it up in a pony tail and I walked out and I saw every one sitting on the sofas a part from Liam I was glad. "are you ok emily?" Niall asked "still really pissed off with Liam" I said "we all are we don't want to perform with him" zayn said "we are not performing with him I will not go on stage with that twat" niall said "niall just because I am mad at him doesn't mean you have to" I said "no Emily you don't get it if one of us gets hurt we are all hurt In this case you got hurt and I am really pissed off and I don't think it was fair on you" niall said "calm down niall if he does anything I will do something about it" I said "ok so what are we doing today?" Louis asked "we are going to go push Harry off a building and see if he hair becomes straight on the way down" zayn said "really" Louis said jumping up "no why would you risk a band mates life" zayn asked "I would risk Liam's life" niall said "oh shut up niall and go and get dressed" I said hitting his chest playfully niall mumbled as he walked off. I walked into my room and I got dressed and I just went casual and I wore my dark blue jeans with my New York 89 t-shirt and my purple hoodie with my red converse I walked out and there was not one boy in the sitting area I guess they are all messing with there hair especially zayn his hair has to be perfect so I walked down to where the tv was and I turned it on and I put Disney channel on and I saw that they had reruns of Shake it up on Jesus Christ I haven't seen that program in ages I decided to watch it until the boys come out.


The boys are still not here bloody hell how long does it take to there hair I turned on Nickelodeon and I saw that a program that finished when I was a kid was on in reruns I clicked on the program icarly I watched it and suddenly the boys come threw "how bloody long does it take to do your hair?" I asked "well it does take quite a while when we are sharing hair gell because we are running out" zayn said "OMG someone call me an ambulance one direction are having to share hair gell" I said fake fainting suddenly my phone blared out

Your a trouble maker... Your a trouble maker

I pick up the phone to reanne

Reanne: hey Emily

Emily: hey reanne what's up?

Reanne: nothing really just wondered what you was up to?

Emily: nothing we are going out into Manchester Liam has really pissed me off and I could kill him so could the other boys and I just found out some breaking news

Reanne: I will kill him and what's the news?



Emily: that's what I said

Reanne: so where are you going in Manchester?

Emily: I don't know but I can tell we will go to nando's for lunch because I think niall is hungry all ready but we need to buy some carrots because we ran out and Louis is having a hissy for about it so we need to buy some ASAP

Reanne: are you mothering those boys?

Emily: sort of zayn in fathering us because we are always getting in trouble thanks to Louis and Harry

Reanne: awww come on you can't just blame them I can just see you doing something

Emily: well me and niall always go in search of segways at every venue hopefully we will find some in Manchester

Reanne: please video it when you do

Emily: ok I will I have to go Louis is now jumping on niall because Louis was eating a carrot and niall took a bite out if it and he is now sitting on him and zayn is pulling Louis off Niall and Harry is on his phone doing nothing better help him bye

Reanne: ok good luck bye

I put the phone down and I help zayn drag Louis of Niall "we will get you some carrots Louis calm down" I say "ok then" Louis says "niall can I borrow your phone to go on Facebook please?" I say "why what about your laptop or phone?" niall said "phones dead and laptop takes forever" I say "ok" niall says he hands me his phone and I log into Facebook I message my friends and I look threw my photos and I see a photo I never wanted to see again my mate had posted a picture of me and my mate at a party when we was younger and we was really drunk and we played truth or dare and it ended up with me and my mate getting naked and i forgot my mate posted it on my Facebook and told me never to take it down I put it to only me could see it I never wanted the boys to find out it was a big mistake and I never want to do it again I locked nialls phone and I put it on the table and I walked away "come on then let's go to nando's" zayn said niall being the little kid he is ran as fast as he could to the car and pulled me with him zayn just shook his head I laughed and so did niall so Louis drove to nandos so we could have some lunch


So they think I'm asleep well I am not I am listening to every thing they are saying and I even heard her talk about a photo I hope niall didn't take his phone with him I looked on the table and there it was just sitting there I picked it up and I clicked on the Facebook app I am glad Emily didn't log out I was looking down her photos and I found the photo of her and her friend naked at a party well what if this was leaked to twitter I wonder?.... I snapshotted the photo and I sent it to myself and I am going to tweet the picture tomorrow. I walk down the hall to Emily's room and I open the door Emily's things are everywhere and she is ment to be the tidy one guess not I get her phone which is on charge and I look threw the text messages they read

Emily: look I am not doing this for the money I am doing this for the friendship

Reanne: I know you are but some part of you is this for the money surely

Emily: no I am not

Reanne: well your being brought things aren't you?

Emily: well yes but I am not in it for the money don't you get it I just want to be friends so something more with them I would never take there money

Reanne: are you sure?

Emily: yes I am sure I would never take there money and if I did I would probley help people not jet off to a luxury island with no one but me and you on

Reanne: wish you would

Emily: shut up reanne

Reanne: can't wait to come and see the performance I'll meet you in the foray and then come back stage after I'll ring you if I need any help

Emily: ok see you 2moro

So I see Emily is being questioned about why she is doing this I could turn this into something so she will notice me more and I will get the girl and be happy I don't know how Emily will see this....

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